Chapter 4-what is going on

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After about a 15 minute drive, Barry and I get to Starr labs. He helps me in and then I fell light headed and pass out. 

(Barry POV)

"Sarah??" I said starting to freak out cause she never passes out. "Barry, helps us get her on the couch so we can run tests on her" I nodded and picked her up.

 I place her on the couch and stay by her side. "Barry, you have to be tested too, just in case." I nodded and left with Caitilin. "I hope she will be ok" I said to Caitilin. "Do you have feelings for her or Iris? cause you seem to show mixed things to her." Caitilin asked. "I have no idea, I had a crush on Iris for awhile but then I was getting closer to Sarah and then this happened and it changed everything." I said honestly. "you need to be open to her about this Barry, cause I think she has feelings for you and whenever you bring up Iris, it hurts her." I nodded then we started with the tests.

(Sarah POV)

I wake up and I see Dr. Wells sitting near me. "Dr. Wells? Whats going on?" I asked. "you passed out when Barry brought you here, theres something going on with your body and I think I know just the test to do with you, but we are about test Barry so come on." He says. I nodded and we go to Barry's test. 

 "Ok Barry, I'll be checking speed and Caitilin will be checking vitals,now I do caution holding back cause we dont know your full range yet." Dr. Wells said. Before Barry started running, he came up to me. "are you okay?" "yes Barry now run" I said smiling. He smiled and got ready to run. "Sarah, you might want to step back here ok?" I nodded and stepped back. Barry looked back and I nodded to him for him to run and thats when he took off. "Holy crap, hes fast." I said laughing. After 10 minutes of him running and everything seeming ok, this big water thing happened and I ran thinking Barry got hurt. I get to Barry and hes holding his wrist. "What happened Barry?" I asked concerned, "not now Sarah, let's just get him back ok?" "yeah" I helped Barry up and we go back to the lab.

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