The arrival

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Saturday was in no rush to get here since this was
the day Aunt Snow was to arrive. I never told anyone
what that witch has done to me. I had times where I wanted to tell my family but I couldn't bring myself to tell them. I'm trying to keep this to myself.

" Paris, London !"

" There is someone hear that would like to see you." My dad called for us.

" finally aunt Snow is here." London exclaimed.
I could only hold a disgusted look on my face once London had rushed out of the room.
I did a rough sigh and started heading down stairs.
Her raspy voice echoed through my head stinging my ears.
I finally came downstairs and all eyes were on me.
Our eyes met in an instant locking sight with one another.
My brown eyes trembled at the sight of her new appearance.
Her once ebony tone was now yellow. Only her hands and face were changed. My mind started thinking back to that woman who was the same way.


" Paris are you ok ?" My dad questioned.
My emotions flooded on to me all at once and I soon felt my knees hit the floor and my eyes closing.

Slowly opening my eyes I felt a cold sensation on my head. I groaned as I sat up.

" Oh, Paris you're ok." London exclaimed.

" Um, how long was I out ?"

" About 3 days."


London began to laugh maniacally.

" hehe, I'm kidding it's been half an hour."

" You gave us all a scare but anyways dad just left to visit mom."

" Oh, do you know when he'll be back?" I questioned.

" I'm not sure but he said that he'll be back tomorrow to clean himself up."


I looked over to see that a FaceTime call from Neveah popped up on London's phone.
A look of disgust appeared on my face.

" Ugh, Paris don't give me that look she's my friend so please don't say a word."

She then proceeded to chat with Neveah about the current drama in the news.
After a while of me sketching clothing I soon felt my stomach growl.
Damn it I thought to myself knowing that I might end up facing her...
But I couldn't take much more of the hungry feeling so I headed downstairs to eat some leftovers.

" So, causing a scene to get away from me eh."

I yelped at the comment that came from behind me.

" Look at you, you're nothing and even after all these years you still are worthless."

I stood there in a state of shock.

" Stupid girl aren't you going to say something !"

I looked up but couldn't form any words.

She pushed me harshly into the fridge.


" N- no no we don't I'm sorry."

" Stay outta my way and mind ya business."
She walked off into our spare guest room.
I hurried up and ate my dinner and quickly headed up stairs.
London was still on the phone with Neveah.
I quietly crept to my bed and put the covers over my head. My heart began to sink in my chest and my eyes began to tear up.

Why do you allow people to treat you like this
aunt Snow is right you're worthless, I mean seriously crying because she called you names.

Grow up !

" Paris, are you alright ?"

I quickly snapped back into reality noticing that my friends were watching me.

" Oh... yeah I'm alright I- I've just been worried about my mother because she just went into labor last Friday."

" Aww man is your mom doing alright." Adara asked with a concerned tone.

" She's stable for right now but the baby should be born some time today."

" I'm sorry to hear about that." Hodari said with a worried expression."
We all started to come up what was next to say.

" Group Chat !" Miguel stated.

The rest of us just looked at him with are eyebrows raised.

" Guys lets all be in a group chat so we keep up with one another."

" Miguel, is this your attempt at getting the girls phone numbers." Adara squinted her eyes.

" Nah chica that's not my only reason." He said while giving a smirk.
" Weirdo."
I chuckled to myself "That's not a bad idea that way we can all become a bit closer towards one another."
" I agree." Said Hodari.
We looked at one another and shared a smile.
" Then it's settled I'll create a GC so just give me your numbers and I'll add them in." Miguel stated.
We all gave him our numbers and continued talking.
I blushed to myself at the thought of Hodari knowing my number.
All of a sudden I was greeted with the strong scent of Victoria's Secret perfume.

" Hodari, why are you sitting with these people when you can be sitting with me and my friends ?" Neveah questioned.

" No offense but I don't do the big friend group thing."

" We would love to have you over at our table you'd make a nice addition to our group." Her eyes lingered onto Hodari for awhile.

" He said no, so clearly you're too spoiled to understand what that even means." Yelled Adara.

Neveah made a face that I've never seen before.
A shade of crimson started to spread across her face.

" Ugh, nobody asked you Muslim girl."

She look at me and my friends and then focused her attention on me.
Her fiery hazel eyes pierced through my soul and she then sashayed away.
" What is wrong with that girl ?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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