Memories from the past

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Innocence was filled in my head as I was a kid. I never felt the need to say a dirty joke or worry about death. But for some people innocence is just something that can be thrown away.

" mommy are we there yet ?"
" We'll be there in 10 minutes dear."
Five minutes have passed.

" Daddy are we there yet ?"
" oh boy." My dad did a rough sigh.

" Brenda, how's my favorite sister in law ?"
" I'm your only sister in law Snow." My mom and both laughed in response.
" Now Snow I know it's been a long time since you seen the twins but you're not gonna believe how much they've grown." My father motioned me and London to come from behind his legs.
" This is London the oldest."
" Why hello there Golden star."
" um hello I'm now six."
" well aren't you a ray of sunshine."
" and this is Paris." My dad forward me gently to greet her.
She looked at me and her grin quickly faded away.
"Oh...she did become darker."
" Mhm my mommy calls me a chocolate bar."
I said in a cheerful naive tone.
" Is there a problem with that." My mom said breaking the tension.
" No I just thought she'd stay light."
I stood there with a curious expression.

" Bye mommy and daddy I'll miss you."
" we'll miss you sweethearts but we'll be back in three days." Mom and dad soon drove off leaving us to stay with aunt snow.
I couldn't help but notice that she had an expressionless plastered on her face but I didn't think much of it at the time.
" auntie snow." London chimed.
" Oh, my little golden star you've gotten so big."
She gave London a big hug in delight.
" Now London dear are you hungry."
" yeah, I want chicken tenders."
" yeah and I want pizza" I said with a big grin.
" I will make chicken tenders for you golden child"
Once it was dinner time I was given the little nuggets while my sister had the bigger pieces.
" um, auntie snow may I have some more ?" I asked.
" JESUS CHILD QUIT BEGGING AND GO TO YOUR ROOM !" Me and London looked at each other with confusion.
" NOW!" She yelled.
I cried on my way to my room I had to sleep in a sleeping bag while London had the princess themed bed.
Bedtime was approaching and London and I got into our jammies and heading for bed.
" Paris can you sleep with me tonight ?" London asked.
" Why, are you scared?" I asked.
" I don't know." She said while not trying to admit it.
" yeah, let's do it" I agreed.

I was awoken by someone yanking me out of bed by my hair. " WHO TOLD YOU, THAT YOU COULD SLEEP IN THIS BED."
I started crying in response.
" What's going on ?" London asked.
" Oh dearie I'm sorry your sister seemed to have sneaked her way into sleeping in your bed." She tried to make it seem like it was my fault.
" Paris why you do that ?" London seemed to have forgotten that she asked me to sleep with her.
" Don't you remember Londie" I asked.
" Because she's a sneaky black snake" auntie snow grinned devilishly.
" You will stay in this room all day as punishment no bathroom breaks no food Nothing." She stated.
" but what if I have to go to the bath-THEN PISS ON YOU'RE DAMN SELF. She soon escorted London out of the room. London looked back at me with a worried expression.

2 hours have passed. My tears had dried up and left streaks going down my face.I stared out the window thinking to myself what I did wrong.
" why did London lie ?"

5 hours have passed. In the room there was no tv but there were toys to play with but it only fulfilled my need for a few minutes.
At this point I really needed to pee.

7 hours have passed. I was squirming on the floor at this point and was banging on the door for aunt snow to let me out. But no response. My yelling soon fell into a gasp as the hot fluid rushed down my pants while I just sat there in shock.

10 hours have passed. I woke up from my third nap today but this time the once hot liquid had turned into a sticking yellow puddle on the floor. The stench became unbearable at this point and I just cried to myself in my sleeping bag.

I heard the door knob unlock and aunt snow stood at the door in complete disgust.
She grabbed me by my hair once more and dragged me to the garage. I could her my sister crying in the distance. " Since you want to piss on my floor and act like a dog then you can SLEEP OUTSIDE LIKE ONE !" She yelled.
She slammed and locked the door behind her.
I was officially scared, the room was completely dark with only a little light coming from a tiny window. I stumbled onto a bottom drawer that had been opened. Crawling into the drawer I curled up into a ball and cried for my parents to come back.

" Hey gurl!" An unfamiliar white woman approached the door.
It was early morning and I watched from behind a trash bin.
" Don't hey gurl me b*tch that cream didn't even work."
" That's because you're using it wrong, you're supposed to rub it in and leave it on all day."
" But for better results double the amount you currently use."
Snow let out a sigh and grabbed the item from the lady.
" Ugh, come in."
As soon as the woman went in and closed the door I snuck by the screen door and peeked inside.
" how much for it this time ?"
" $ 250 you already know the deal now hand it over."
With curious intention in my mind I tried to get a better look at the lady.
She soon turned at a good angle and to my horror she wasn't a white lady at all.
She had red burn marks all over her face.
" Oh, Snow looks like a lion has emerged from its den." She said giving me an evil glance.
" Hi there do you wanna look like me ?"
She proceeded to get some tissue and put some sort of cream on it.
" Now, come here sweetie so I can take some of this black off you."
I screamed and quickly ran back to the garage.

During my sleep I was interrupted by the sound of foot steps approaching me.
" Paris, I brought you some chicken nuggets."
" Thank you londie"
" I'm sorry you have to sleep in the garage."
" it's ok mommy and daddy will be back tomorrow." London stated.
" yeah I can't wait till they come."
"London !" Aunt Snow yelled.
" Uh oh I gotta go but just hide the plate when you're done...bye."

" Little girl when your parents come you will not ever mention what happened."
" Because if you do I will drive all the way up to Georgia and beat you up so hard my damn self."
I just stood there and slowly nodded.
After 10 minutes had passed my parents pulled up in the driveway.
London and I both ran to hug them
" Were we missed that much ?" My mother questioned.
" Mommy, daddy I missed you so much."
Mom and dad looked at each other and smiled.
" Well, we'll make sure to not be gone from you guys for so long."
" And guess what sweetie's we finally found a new house to settle in." My dad exclaimed.
" Ooo is it a castle ?" I asked.
" Sure sweetie it's a much bigger castle than our last one."
They soon put me in my booster seat.
I couldn't get that lady out of my mind it was like no matter what I do that image was Engraved in my mind.
London was concern about me but she didn't even say anything. She could've just been as terrified as me. London and I shared a worried expression thinking of what happened.

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