Sleep It Off

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I haven't been able to concentrate lately, ever since I kissed Evelyn my mind has been swirling.

Its a good thing winter break starts tomorrow, hopefully not seeing Evelyn will set me straight. 

I am not just freaking out about the fact that I kissed her, i'm freaking out about the thoughts going through Evelyn's head. Did she like the kiss? Does she regret it? Is she attracted to me? Theres no chance in hell that I could ask her any of this.


I was driving with Alyssa and Sylvia on our way to the 3 day volleyball camp at the university. 

When we arrived we grabbed our bags and headed to the gym where a bunch of girls were already gathered. There were volleyball nets set up all across the floor. Alyssa and Sylvia smiled at each other when they saw some swim boys who were jogging to their separate camp with their bodies drenched in water.

~Alyssa~ "No one said there would be boys here." She grinned from ear to ear.

~Sylvia~ "Maybe this camp won't be so bad after all." She nudged at me with a smirk.

"Yeah whatever." I rolled my eyes.

Boys never really did it for me, I can't even recall the last time I had a crush on a guy. I'm not gay but I just think I haven't met the right guy yet, and I doubt i'm going to find Mr. Right at a 3 day camp.

We got in line to get our room keys and designated partner names. The line moved slower than molasses but we finally made our way to the front. 

I was next in line and became face to face with a college girl with wavy blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. My jaw practically dropped at the sight of her beauty. I looked at her name tag that read: Emily.

~Emily~ "Can I get your last nam-" Her voice trailed as her eyes moved up from my torso to my face which was blushing incredibly.

~Emily~ "-name uh can I get your last name, please." She smiled at me, sending butterflies to my stomach.

"um- Jones, Hannah Jones." I ran my hand through my hair and uncontrollably flashed my dimples at her.

~Emily~ "What grade are you in?" She lowered her gaze and bit her lip as her eyes roamed the paper in front of her.

"I'm a senior." 

~Emily~ "Oh" She smiled to herself.

"Aren't you going to write that down somewhere?" I looked at her tan skin that was barely covered by her white tube top.

~Emily~ "Oh, that was just for me to know." She smirked and scribbled on a piece of paper.

"Whats this?" I raised my eyebrow at her as she blushed and handed me the paper.

~Emily~ "Text me, i'd love to see you in your spandex." She smiled sweetly.  

I walked over to my friends with a giant smile on my face. I opened the sheet and found Emily's number and snapchat name. 

~Alyssa~ "What are you so happy about? You know your roommate or something?" She grinned.

"Uh what no I haven't even checked it yet." I hovered my eyes to the top of the paper where I found my roommates name.

"Fucking hell" I muttered.

~Sylvia~ "What? Who'd you get?" She grabbed the paper from my hand.

~Sylvia~ "Damn Hannah, you got Evelyn Parker?" She covered her mouth.

"What do I do?! This sucks!" I pouted.

~Alyssa~ "Its okay, its only 3 days anyway." She tried to shed light on the situation.

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