Explanations And Butt Kickery

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When I woke up the next morning, Natasha, Percy, and I were all back in our human forms. We were both holding Percy close, making sure he knew he was safe. I nuzzled my nose into his neck. 

"Hey," I said, softly. "Are you ready to tell us what happened?" He closed his eyes, burying his face in my chest. 

"Loki growled at me," he whispered, so quiet I almost didn't hear it. 

"Why?" Natasha asked, anger evident in her gaze, but she didn't let it show in her voice as she reassured and comforted Percy in a gentle voice. His shoulders started to shake as he started to cry again. 

"He was with Tony. He'd been ignoring me and I went to talk to them. And he growled at me." I tightened my grip reassuringly as I held Percy close to me, letting him cry into my shoulder. I rubbed gentle circles into his back to soothe him. 

There was a soft knock at the door. I looked up at Natasha. She was glaring hard at the door. When neither of us answered, there was another knock. 

"Percy?" Loki called. "Can we please talk?" Percy started to cry harder, though it was silent, and Natasha got up and walked to the door. She walked out, without letting Loki see Percy, and probably dragged him off, away from this room. 

"Clint," Percy said, suddenly clinging desperately to me. "Someone's inside my head. I don't-I don't-" He suddenly screamed out in pure agony. I sat up, pulling Percy up with me. His eyes were closed tightly shut as he grasped at his head, hands subconsciously pulling his hair to try and get it to stop. 

I wrapped my hands around his and held them close to his head, so they didn't pull on his hair. Tears glistened on his cheeks and he squeezed his eyes shut tighter and screamed again. 

The door burst open and everyone ran in. Loki was by the bed first. I glared at him, but he brushed it off, setting his hands on either sides of Percy's head. Soon, I felt Percy's grip on his hair loosen slightly as he started to sob. I pulled him close to my chest while he cried and after he stopped. 

"Percy," Loki said, softly, causing me and Natasha to glare again. "Do you know who it was?" I glared up at him again, not wanting him to disrupt Percy, who was finally calm. 

"Tartarus," he said, quietly. Then, he sat up, sniffing and wiping his eyes. "I need to talk to the gods." 

"You're talking to one right now," Sam said. 

"The Greek gods," I corrected. "He's a demigod." He looked surprised as we didn't talk about that part of our life much. Percy looked back at me. "I'll come with you," I offered. He held his hand out to me and I took it. 

One second we were in his room in Stark Tower, the next, we were on Olympus in the throne room. And Tartarus was already there. Great. 

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