Love Theory Chapter 4 "Eat to Love"

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After what he said to me, after the gentle tight hug and the word amazing, the only thing I want to do is just stay in my room thinking of what happened, smile all day and scream once or twice.

All in all, the trip to Manda's place is cancelled. To be honest, I think I have made myself a record, walking five blocks with pumps and a smile with no blink.

"Maria, what are you cooking? It smells so good." The smell is creamy and appetizing, my guess, it is a cream sauce with a stir-fry smoke beef and bacon.I know this scent that satisfy my body and soul. The second thing I love in my life after David's kisses. Oops.

Maria closes the door behind me, "Oh, Mr. Jack is here and cooking a meal for you, Miss. He is in the kitchen right now."

Jack is here? He and I are just good friends or more like siblings. Just as I said about Jack and Dad, we had dinner together a lot, spent vacation together, and sometimes he stayed in my house in the guest room when the month ends and he was making a month's end report with Dad.

I rush to the kitchen to meet him and look at my meal, a tall guy with dark brown spiky hair is stirring some kind of white sauce on the stove. His body looks bigger with the untugged white shirt also folded sleeves.

"Jack!" I called his name and he turns around. I run to him smiling and hug him, "Why are you here?"

He lifts me and hug me even tighter, "I heard about Tony and Sylvia's departure. I couldn't makeit to the airport because of the meeting so I thought I would drop by to cheer you up with my fettuccine carbonara. How's it Princess?"

As he lets me down, I peek the carbonara sauce. It look incredibly delicious and mouth watering. With one inhale, the smell of it fills my lung, dancing its way to the entire body. In one click, I feel like sitting in an Italian café alone eating the fettuccine with the breeze blowing my hair and lots of Italian men speaking in their own busy articulation.

Jack sneaks from behind and whispers to my ear gently, "How's it, Princess? You like it?" The air from his mouth and nose triggers all the nerves in my neck to send chills and tingle all over my body.

I turn myself to him as his breath is getting closer and closer to me, "Yes, I love it! Really, really love it!"

"I do think I deserve a hug here." He smiles teasingly, my hand climbs his shirt and hug him so tight that our bodies are stuck together. His long arms linger my waist and pull me even closer to him.

"Thank you very much Jack. If you're not ==here, I can't think of anything else than spending my day with the television." I said to him sincerely.

He laughs, "Do you think I am that cruel by letting you sit in front of the TV with churros and chips on your belly? I am cruel but not that cruel."

"You!" I slap his arm and he can't help but laughing harder from my pissed face and pout.

He turns his back still laughing and turn the stove off, "Ready for the incredible fettuccine?" I nod in light speed. He puts the fettuccine into the sauce pot and mingle them. In a minute, the perfect fettuccine is on my clean white plate.

"Jack, I wonder why you can cook this good! This is..." I put some in to my mouth, "Terrific! Delicious!"

He smiles while chewing his fettuccine, you see, Jack always has this lovely aura shindig through him that I believe, a girl that he loves will be so lucky to have those enormous amount of love, "I live alone in an apartment without my Mom or Maria to cook for me..." We both laugh, ", I have to cook or else I will starve or just have inadequate nutrition."

Inadequate nutrition, yes he made a point. Manda lives alone, does she eat well? David also!

"Jack... Do we have any leftovers?" I asked sweetly.

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