Love Theory Chapter 3 "Give and Take"

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Hey guys. I know the second chapter is boring without that hot sexy guy, so he appears a lot :) I just want to show Jules' life in the second chapter :) Enjoy the third :)


"Jules! Quickly! We should get to the airport in an hour!" Dad yells from downstairs. I rush putting my striped tee in to my black high-waist skirt.  

"Wait! I'll go down in a minute!" I replied and called Maria that walks over my room, "Maria! Please, can you help me find my black pumps? The one I wore last week!"  

She nods and go to find my pumps. Ergh, I should start waking up early and take a quick shower! Mom and Dad's flight is at 12pm. I check myself in the mirror. You look awesome, Jules. My fingers shake my honey brown wavy hair. The eyeliner is good, the mascara is not blotchy and I don't look like an apple that much. Perfect. 

I run out of my room, my pumps are in Maria's hands, I grab it and run downstairs, "Thank you, Maria!" 

"Honey, you look beautiful, but we are late. Sebastian is outside, let's go." Mom informs me and I put on my pumps and run to the car. Dad is in the front seat already looking to his phone.  

Sebastian greets me when he opens the door for us, "Good morning, miss."  

"Morning, Bas!" I replied. 

Dad and Mom can't stop talking about the vacation trip and checking their passports, tickets also travel cheques on and on. I can't stop thinking about how I will spend the month without my Mom's yelling, my Dad's laptop's keyboard's sound and sometimes, their arguments. 

"Jules, don't lost your credit card. I will transfer your allowance, or Jack will." Jack is my Dad's secretary but he is more like a son to him since he has been with him for 7 years. I heard, my Dad told him to be his secretary when he was in his internship time. Noticed by the chairman is rather impressive. 

"Okay. " I answer. 

The airport is not that crowded but still is busy. Sebastian takes out their suitcases while I take them to the departure hall. Mom kisses me and so does Dad. 

"We will miss you, Jules." She said. 

I smile, "Don't be. You two should enjoy your time. 'Your' means you and you!" I point her then Dad. 

Both of them hug me, "We love you Jules." 

"Don't do bad things, don't be naughty, go home at 11. Drive safely, don't drink and smoke. NO PARTY!" Dad warns me with a very stern face and a hard voice. 

"No need to mention it, Dad. I am an angel. Can't you see the thing over my head?" I joke and we all laugh. 

"Take care, baby." Mom said while stroking my arm. 

"I will, Mom. Safe flight Mom, Dad. I love you two." My eyes are teary already but I hold it back so they can depart with my smile. Sebastian comes with a cart of their things. They wave good-bye to me and Sebastian. After they walk in to the departure hall, I go back with Sebastian to our car. 

"Bas, drive me to Manda's apartment please." I told him.  

"Yes, Miss. Would you like to be picked up later?" He asked. 

I think for a while, "I'll let you know. I will call the house if I want to." 


In 30 minutes, we are in front of Manda's apartment. Sebastian opens my door and I go straight to the apartment's lobby. I wait for the elevator. 

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