Love Theory Chapter 2 "Insiders"

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The butterflies won't stop. The dizziness won't vanish. The sensation won't go. 

I can feel his touch, his bare hand, his wide chest on every inch of my body. His warmth still sneaks into my skin and stays heating my bone until it melts leaving me weak.  

I lay on my bed still holding my mouth. Somehow, I feel so dirty yet so virtuous. This is like the dirtiest and the happiest experience I have ever had. He made me break all of my principle and rules. His breathes on my neck cater me long haul insanity.  

My fingers can't even bring me the glorious seducing heat he gave. My lips feel like losing its other wing. I have been bewitched with... his lust. 

Yes, it's all lust.  

The butterflies fly away, the dizziness turns my brain on, the sensation shakes me up. 

I move myself to sit and reminisce our first meeting. It is not as it supposed to be. I never wanted a meeting like that - although I doubtlessly enjoy it as much as he did. How pitiful is this that I have been stained just for I-don't-even-know-his-name's lust. And it is not even a lust for me but for someone else - that slutty girl.  

Wrath swims up from my deepest heart to the surface, I grab my towel before strip and jumps into the shower. With anger and grudge, I let the heavy cold water pour on to me cleaning all of his touches and kisses. What have I done? 

I have lost myself! 

"Jules!" Mom called me from my room.  

I manage to answer, "Yeah?" 

"Please be quick. I and your Dad have something to say to you." Great, two possible thing, they are grounding me or they are increasing my allowance. The first one, I supposed. IF they knew about all of these. 

I growl silently, "Coming out in 5 minutes." 

"Great, go to the living room right away, kay?" She ordered and steps out of my room. 

I make my 'purifying' session quick and put on a short with pink t-shirt. The living room is in the first floor of my quite big house. 

"Hello, Maria." I greet my Hispanic housekeeper.  

"Good afternoon, Miss Jules." She smiles. Maria came to our house when I was 8 years old and has been very loyal since then. She stays in the house in weekdays and go home during weekends. When I was little, I used to run to her room when Mom and Dad fight or the thunderstorm begins. 

"Can you make me churros? Please?" I pleaded to her. 

She thinks and smiles, "Having a bad day, miss?" Churros has been my favorite meal in bad day - Maria's churros to be exact. 

"Yes. A very bad bad bad day. Please make me some churros and go to my room. You should hear the cause of this heavy gloomy cloud on my head!" I shriek and shiver whilst walking to the living room. 

Dad is still in his white shirt and Mom wears her casual dress. They are laughing with each other either from the joy of grounding me or something that please them. I clear my throat initializing my presence.  

"Oh, Jules. Come here and sit." Dad told me still with a smile on his face.  

I sit in front of them still with a pout on my face, "So, what is this big thing?" 

Mom smiles, "As you know, next week is our 20 years anniversary..."I fix my seat and push my thoughts away for a moment, "I and your Dad is going on a one month vacation!" Her shriek is still audible under those sentences. 

"What?" I blurted, "You serious? Where?" 

"We are going on a cruise around the world. Starts with Europe. Tomorrow we will go on a flight to Dubai and stayed there for two days before boarding to our ship. Probably next month we will come back. If we don't want an extension, of course." 

Look, I am not the type of selfish brat or what, I am always happy for my parents, so, this is a happy news for me too, "Really? That is like awesome! A month! You guys should enjoy every second of it and don't forget to buy me lots of things from every place you visit! Oh, I really want to go with you guys."  

"Really?" Their smiles are gone and they take my words seriously. 

I answer nervously, "Oh, I am just joking. Really, it's your anniversary. Make it as fun as your honeymoon and please be as happy as newly-wed!" I wish sincerely. They smile and give me the thankful sight. This is going to be teary, "I will go with you to the airport, kay? But now, I am so tired. I'm going to my room. See you." I kiss them good bye and run upstairs. 

Maria is not in my room meaning the churros is not here. Great, a soccer player fooled around with me taking me as a slut and my parents are going on a vacation for a month. What a great day. 

I dial Manda's number and wait for her to pick up, "Yealow?"  

"Manda, guess what?"  

She cuts, "What?" 

"My parents are going on a one-month vacation!" I shouted in fake shock and throw myself to my bed. 

"Are you serious? It's totally cool! Wait, are you feeling bad? Are you scared you will be lonely? Don't be, I will make sure that I can stay in your house for a week or so. How about that? That is like cool right? Oh wait, that means I can't see the soccer player's early morning exercise for a week, I can't see his WOW abs when he swims in our swimming pool! Ah!" She shrieks, "That's awful!"  

I let go a hard sigh as everything comes up, "Manda. Calm down. Second guess what," 

"Second what!" She utters and I roll my eyes. 

"I met him already"  

"WHAT?! HOW?! DID YOU TWO TALK?" Before she sounds like little miss popular now she transforms into a female wrestler. 

"More than talk, in a very bad way." I answered without passion. 

There's a little silence before she speaks, "Bad as bad or 'baaaaad' rawr!" She purrs sexily. 

I reply it with a dry purr, "Like, rawr." 

"WHAT?! WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? YOU SERIOUS? HOW HOW HOW? JULES! UNFAIR!!!" Manda screams like crazy. I should not tell her! I hit my head with my fist gently, dumb me! 

Maria knocks my door, "Miss, your churros are ready." 

Thank you Maria! "Got to go, bye!" I hang up the call and tell Maria to sit on my bed. 

"Thank you Maria, and just call me Jules! It's like the zillion times I told you to do that!" I order while pushing a long churros to my mouth. This pure, clean, innocent and angelic churros will clean ALL of the bad influences and touches also polish I got! 

Maria smiles, "I can't, Miss. So, what's the matter?" 

I stop eating my churros and hug her right away, "Maria! You have to hear my story! This is just a total embarrassment and... shock and..."I start to sob, "I hate him!" 

She pats my back, "Who is the 'him' here?" 

With sobs and panting breath I tell Maria everything except for the second round - that is personal collection. 

"How can he do that? Back in my place, a man can never touch a girl that much especially when they don't know each other!" She starts rambling with her Spanish accent and her finger moves fast as she speaks. 

My head nods fast agreeing to her, "I know, right! I don't know what to do now! I wish I would never meet him ever!"  

Maria lets go a sigh and tells me to just finish the churros then sleep, "Tomorrow will be better." 

That is the line she always said and it always soothe me to sleep. Just like... now.

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