Chapter 6

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A/N: Yep, here comes the sad part :( I'll be totally honest though, I've NEVER cried over Mufasa's death. I know, I'm a terrible, heartless person XD just thought I'd get that off my chest. Enjoy!

The sun was rising the next morning, as the kids soon started to wake up with the rest of the lion pride. The morning seemed normal, nothing out of the ordinary. 

"Good morning, children" Sarabi greeted the group first as the lion queen woke up. 

"Good morning, Sarabi" The kids smiled back before they saw Mufasa at the cave entrance, looking out into the Pridelands. The kids decided to come over and talk to him. 

"Children..." Mufasa turned to see them come over. 

"Just thought we'd say 'hello'" David said as all the kids sat down next to the lion king, watching the sun rise. 

Ann sighed a bit sadly. "I wish mom and dad would find us..." 

"I miss them too" Brock admitted. 

"Don't worry, guys" Jacob assured them. "We'll be home soon" 

"Zazu and I could take you out to try and find some road. Anything to help find your parents" Mufasa offered Jacob. 

"Really?" The younger adventure kids asked the lion king.

"Yes" Mufasa nodded. "For you all, I'd do anything to help you return to your land. After what you've all done so much for me to help Simba and my pride" 

"Yeah! Alright! I can't wait!" The kids all cheered, being very happy about this. 

Mufasa then spoke to them again. "Children, you must promise me one thing though when you get back to your land" 

"What's that, Mufasa?" Kali asked. 

"Tell no one about this place, nor what you've seen here" Mufasa replied. 

"But why, Mufasa?" The twins asked curiously. 

"Because this is our kingdom, children, and we only want to live in peace and harmony. If humans came into our land, they would destroy it. I don't think your kind is ready to understand that" The great lion king explained. 

"Oh... We never thought of it that way" Teeders and the others said, now realizing.  

"Promise me you'll try to help them understand" Mufasa turned to the young adventurers. 

Kali and the others soon nodded and smiled to the great lion king with much respect. "Of course, your Majesty"

Mufasa smiled back at the kids. 

"Well then, I best be carrying out my duties for the day" Mufasa told the kids before heading out, with Jacob following behind him. 

"Stay out of trouble now" Jacob warned the younger kids as he left with Mufasa, giving them that 'I'm watching you' look. 

The kids watched the two leave, until Simba came over with Leo. 

"Guys! Guys!" Simba seemed excited about something after finding his human friends. "You gotta come with us! My Uncle Scar said he had something to show us"

"All of us?" Cynthia asked, confused.  

"I don't know" Leo replied. "All he said was that he had a surprise for us"

This left the kids very suspicious, knowing that Scar would never do anything nice for them. He hated humans!

But the kids didn't seem to think into it too much or else the cubs would ask them all these questions. 

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