01: Aphrodite

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Aphrodite was bored.

She was in her palace on mount Olympus, and was sitting in her "Library." It's a "Library" because it only had a couple of books. It was mostly filled with magazines and chick-flick movies. There was also quite a collection of music- that either talked about love, or mentioned her.

Usually if you came to see Aphrodite, you would find her looking at photos of REALLY hot guys, messing with Gods' love lives, watching movies, messing with mortals' love lives, making out with some random male, reading girly magazines, doing her makeup, messingwith love lives, messing with love lives or messing with love lives.

Not today though. Zeus had banned her from messing with anyone's love lives for two weeks. TWO WEEKS. She felt like her soul had been ripped from her body.

Aphrodite had tried spending time with her children, but that only reminded her of how many boys were just outside cabin ten. Those were boys she could set up relationships with after all. BUT NOOOOOO. Zeus just HAD to ban her from doing what she loved.

Suddenly an idea came to mind. She stood up and looked in one of her many mirrors. Then her appearance began to change. Usually, whenever someone looked at her, they would see what they thought was the most beautiful woman ever. But now everone would see the same thing. It probably wasn't what you would expect Aphrodite to look like either.

In the mirror, Aphrodite saw a woman of around twenty looking back at her. She had long, wavey black hair, lovely, dark chocolate coloured eyes and darkish skin. In other words, gorgeous!

She changed her dress and earings and slipped down to the mortal world, into a town on the outskirts of manhattan. Her plan; find somewhere to stay for 13 days, then, find someone whom she could fall in love with - without her belt of course.

Her plan didn't exactly work.

The town she visited wasn't exactly what you'd expect for one so close to New York. It might as well have been in the past. There was no technology and all the women wore ankle length dresses. The roads were gravel and cobblestone, there was a well in the middle of town, and everyone believed in the greek gods. Everyone.

Aphrodite figured it wouldn't be hard to fins somewhere to stay. Since everyone knew about the Greek gods and their habits of popping up and asking for shelter, anyone who asked for such, would receve. Noone wanted to be labled a sinner by the Gods. Nobody wanted to endure their wrath.

So when a pretty young woman (Aphrodite) knocked on the door of an old lady's house, she was welcomed straight away. When she went out for an evening walk however, her plan fell apart.


HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So.... tell me what you thought and all that jazz. I'll update soon don't worry ;). And Imma go update Percy jackson and the Greek Gods on facebook now, So never fear!

Emelia xx

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