Night Twenty-Two

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Night Twenty-Two:

The next few days leading up to the dance were uneventful. In fact, they were filled with decorating, since, as expected, our class got the lowest average. It was a rather simple, and elegant theme, so there wasn't anything too extravagant that had to be done. Zero seemed fine those next three days, and even helped a little bit with the activities, which I heard was something unusual.

The girls were excited, obviously. This was dance was only one of three events during the school year in which both Day and Night students intermingled with one another. Or were allowed to intermingle with one another, I should say. It was also the first major school dance. So of course, the girls were all talking about dresses, shoes, make up, and, not to any surprise, boys. Mostly it was centered, again to no surprise, on the Night boys. Popular ones included Aidou, and Takuma, at least from what I could gleam.

I, for the most part, tried to stay out of the conversations, but I would occasionally get asked what I was going to wear, or who I wanted to dance with. I usually blushed, and ducked away with the last question because there was only one person I really wanted to dance with, but I was not going to admit that to anyone.


When the day of the dance came, I was oddly excited. I dressed in the blue dress Nae had left for me, and the black shoes that went with them. I pulled my hair up into a side ponytail, held up by a light blue scrunchy. I looked at myself in the mirror, happy about the dress fit on my slim build. I took out the pearl, rose-pendant necklace, and tied it around it's proper place. It rested on the hollow of my throat, and complimented the dress rather nicely.

"Sakika? Are you ready?" I looked towards the door where Yuki's voice called out. I looked at my reflection one last time, fluffing my hair, and straightening the dress before rushing towards the door with a smile.

"I'm ready." I smiled brightly at Yuki, who seemed surprised by the gesture, and then grinned.

I looked at what she wearing, surprised to see that she was wearing the school uniform, but didn't comment because I knew that if Nae hadn't been kind enough to leave me the dress, I would have been wearing the uniform as well.

"You look so pretty!" Yuki exclaimed, touching the dress. I blushed slightly, and kept my smile.

"Thank you. Let's get going before we're late." Yuki nodded, grinning as she lead the way. I could feel my blood race in my veins as I became suddenly excited for the dance.


"Yuki. Sakika. It's about time you two got here." I looked at Zero as he callled out to us. He looked the same as well, but I was just happy to see that he showed up.

"Let's stop talking, and just go in." I said, walking past them.

"What's with her?" Zero retorted, but I didn't look back to retort to him.

The room was brightly lit. The chandeliers on the ceiling gave off a very shiny feeling. Music was playing, and people had already paired up, and started to dance. Some students were at the food and drink station, talking or handing out certain items to students with a smile. The whole room was in motion with dancing, and walking. The room seemed to talk as different people spoke to one another about one topic or another, laughter also rang through the room. My eyes scoured the room, but looking for what I was not entirely sure.

"Wow! We did a good job this year!" Yuki exclaimed as she stood beside me. I glanced at her as she put her fists to her hips, looking around the room with a proud expression. I smiled, nodding slightly.

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