Night Three

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Night Three:

It was a few weeks into my switch to Cross Academy. I got used to my schedule. The same, mundane, day in and day out schedule that just never seemed to change. I have to say, I got a bit bored, though the night patrols were the only thing that were even a bit of fun. If somewhat tiring, and annoying at times, but it kept me on my toes. It was a challenge, and that was something that just thrilled me to no end. I loved challenges.

Anyways, I made a few friends from the day class. I wouldn't call any of them close friends. It was far too early to make any sort of decisions like that, but they really kept me from going absolutely insane from boredom. You'd be surprised how boring these lectures get day in, and day out when they all just sound the same. Zero seemed to hang around me much of the time, which, to say the least, scared off most of the Day Time girls. Not that I would blame them. Yuuki though seemed to hang around, but I suspected that was because of Zero's presence around me.

My roommate and I seemed to have the type of relationship where...Where you don't exactly like each other, but you tolerate each other because you really have no other option. I came far too early in the year to switch rooms. Or to even get my own room, which, as I was told, where saved for those who paid enough to have their own rooms. In other words, I didn't have enough of a social standing to get my own, separate room, which was a luxury few had there. So, I guess I really had no room to complain. Just as long as she stayed out of my business, and left my stuff alone, which she didn't seem to understand what was hers, and what was mine. Nor was the "line" ever really clear on what was mine, and what was hers. I eventually just learned to hide my stuff, and made a system that I knew when to know if she moved my stuff without permission even just a fraction.

The one things that difently kept me busy was the roses I would receive almost every night. It had been three weeks, and I already had about seventeen roses, and thirteen notes penned by Yuuki, who mostly was throwing hints out at who was sending them. I kept the roses in a box with a false bottom that my grandmother had passed down to me when she passed away. Mostly I kept them in there because that was the one place my roommate wouldn't look to snoop about me. The last thing I needed was her being all friendly because I had a secret admirer, but I also kept them in there to keep my mind off them. I know, hard to do when I see a new one almost every night, but I couldn't let my mind slip off, wondering who it could possibly be when I had school, "Disciplinary Committee" duties, and other worries to think about, even if I did have a few suspicions myself. I knew eventually though I would have to do something with the roses when they would get to be too much, like they were already. I just didn't know what I could possibly to do with them.

I wasn't exactly sure how to feel about them. I supposed any normal person would feel flattered that someone had a crush on them. Is that how I should be? Should I be more excited that someone likes me? I guess any other person would tell me yes. Yes I should be more excited, but for some reason I just couldn't bring myself to be that excited. If anything, every time I looked at them, it just seemed to annoy me. Maybe I was just a strange case.


"Ugh. I wish I was getting paid for babysitting a bunch of fan-girly girls from blood-sucking vampires..." I whispered under my breath one night while on patrol. I was sitting under a tree, my head resting against the bark of the tree. My eyes were viewing the magnificent outer structure of the Moon Dormitory with its dark roofs, pointed tops that vaguely reminded me of ancient castles that I had only ever seen in books. Boy, sometimes it seemed like the Headmaster wanted these...The vampires to feel comfortable.

"What are you doing, Sakika? You're supposed to be on patrol, not sitting here, and doing nothing." I looked over at Zero, throwing him an annoyed expression.

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