Night Four

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Night Four:

"Hey, are you like planning on getting up? Seriously, if you don't wake up like now you are so going to be late for class again." I groaned, and cracked an eye open to see my roommate, her name being Nae, standing over me with her hands at her hips, and an annoyed expression on her face. I groaned from my sleepiness, and threw the blanket over my head, closing my eyes, and turning on side. I didn't particularly feel like getting up. I wanted to sleep."C'mon. Like get up, dude." She ripped the covers from my body. I sighed in annoyance, and sat up, rubbing at my eyes to rid them of sleep.

"Yeah. Fine. I'm up." I snapped, rubbing at my eyes again. She nodded, and started walking towards the door. I say started because as soon as I stood up, made my bed quickly, and began to put on my pure white undershirt, she stopped, and turned towards me with an angry expression I hadn't seen on her face before. I was confused, unsure of what I had done to warrant her anger.

"Dude you totally woke me up this morning with your yelling. So not cool." I gave her a confused expression. Yelling? What the hell was I yelling about? I remember having nothing but a good dream.

"What are you talking about? Why would I be yelling? I had a perfectly good dream." I asked in my usual tone as I began to slip on my stockings, and shoes. She shrugged slightly.

"Like you seriously expect me to know the answer to that? All I know is that you were yelling about something." I scrunched my eyebrows together, trying desperately to remember something, anything that could have caused me to yell out in my sleep as I gathered my school supplies and books, stuffing them into my school bag, but nothing came to my mind. When nothing came to my mind, I dismissed it as her trying to rile me up. I simply ignored her as we went to our classes.


Lunch came too quickly for me, much faster than I had expected, but I was happy when it came around. I would need that hour to study for the upcoming chemistry test. I was pretty good with sciences, chemistry was a particularly good subject I excelled in, but there were somethings that I needed to brush up on. I would need that hour to study hard.

Once class had let out for our lunch, I couldn't have gotten out of there fast enough. The last thing I wanted was to have any of my friends, Zero and Yuuki included, to catch up to me. I didn't want them to distract me from my goal.

I chose the library, somewhere with the few amount of people around since everyone would be eating, and mingling with friends. I chose a seat near the back of the room. I dug out my chemistry book, and notebook from my bag, and began to study.

It seemed to me, like much of the day, that lunch had ended too fast. The bell rang, signaling it was time for my next class, P.E., so I quickly put my things back into my bad, and went back to my room to gather my P.E. clothes. I then had to hurry to get to the pasture, where the class was being held that day.

"There you are. Yuuki wouldn't stop bugging me about where the heck you were." I glanced over at Zero, and shrugged slightly." So where were you?"

"If it means that much to you, I was studying." I whispered back as the teacher came into view with a bright smile. I sighed, and tightened my ponytail.

"I'm sure a good portion of you guys are excited for today's lesson. Today, we will be horse riding." I groaned inwardly at the news. Horses hated me. I had long since come to that conclusion. Even when I was little, horses would go crazy around me. I still had a scar on the small of my back when a horse kicked my back when I was small. I had my "wonderful and loving" older brother, Yakumi, to thank solely on that account. "Alright, to start off, we have a slight shortage of horses this year. Due to this fact, I want everyone to chose one partner. I will be generous, and let you chose you own. Once you have your partner, I want you both to go and chose a single horse from the barn. Then, once your horse is selected, please meet back here for your next instruction." Great, and we had to have partners too. Though, I had to admit that at least that made me feel better. Maybe I could just put off the embarrassment of having the horse freak out on me, and have my partner ride it the entire time, if I could possibly get away with that. I began to look around to find someone who would be willing to do just that for me when Zero cleared his throat. I looked back at him with an eyebrow raised.

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