He felt like home

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It's funny what actually happens when everything you want comes true. I imagined we'd fall straight into bed and not talk unless it was calling to go faster, or not stop! But, we spent the evening talking things through. Properly. We discussed everything, it's something we should have done from the start; but no one in a relationship ever notices that in time. It has to happen because of something I think.

I made him food and we sat on the sofa for hours. I looked at my watch at 2.13 am and realised that it was Christmas.

"You're here and not with your family?" I blurted

"What?" He questioned.

"It's Christmas morning - and you're here with me"

"I am" He smiled and leaned over and kissed me. "I told Maggie what I was doing, she's told my mom - who I've had a phone call from - but she's fine. And my dad and his family are in LA. I wanted to be here, with you. I'm sorry to be really cheesey though, but I'm all the presents you've got" he laughed at his own cliché .

"You're more than enough! I'm really glad you're here!" I kissed him back. "We should get some sleep though"

"Do we have plans for tomorrow?" He stood and sorted out clearing the glasses from the coffee table.

"We have a lunch that I'm sure I can sneak you into. But it's Christmas morning. We can have a lovely breakfast and watch movies" I got excited.

"Sounds prefect!" He held out his hands and pulled me up from the sofa and we headed up the stairs to bed.

I'd expected him to be all over me. I'd expected both of us to not be able to keep our hands off of each other, but in actual fact we just lay in each other arms. I felt safe, snuggled into his chest, he felt strong and calm and loving. He felt like home.

The next morning, I couldn't be so restrained. Going be bed so late, we'd woken up about 11am. We didn't have all that much time before we had to head out to the pub but I was going to make the most of having him in my bed.

"Good morning," he stretched as my hand snaked under the waist band of his boxers.

"Morning" I smiled up "I've missed you"

"Fucking missing you too!" He closed his eyes as I pulled off his underwear and gently stroked up and down his hardening dick.

"Don't we have to be somewhere?" He asked swallowing hard.

"Not for a little while. We've got plenty of time to do as we please"

"Don't say things like that" he growled as he rolled me over tugging and my panties and settled between my legs.

"Because 'as I please' would involve spreading you on this bed and quitting everything so we could spend the rest of our days holed up in here together, and we both know that wouldn't be the best idea. We'd get bored and run out of money eventually, and I've got nieces I wanna see grow up " he laughed a little. "I've really missed you" he kissed along my jaw and down my neck as his morning errection now in full glory teased my aching core. "You are amazing" he kissed me "you taste amazing" he slid slowly into me "you. feel. Amazing" he released his breath as he painfully slowly pushed all of the way into me.

He pulled back out and searched in his pants for a condom. I mentally noted to have a chat with him about not having to use them. Safe sex is brilliant and all, but if we weren't seeing anyone else then I was happy to not bother with them and just rely on my iud.

Before I had chance to say anything he was back. Reaching under my back with one hand to position us so he could reach every depth. He stilled for a moment, as his cock impossibly filled every space within me. His eyes stared down at me, conveying every emotion. His smile filled my chest. "I love you" I repeated our words from last night, meaning it more and more each time I spoke. I planted my feet either side of him and thrust up as much as I could. I didn't want slow, I wanted to remember why this thing had started. I wanted to fall for him over and over. I wanted to just feel him, feel us being together.

Jake took the hint and took over, his strength pounding us into the bed. He was intense, his eyes dark, his arms held me tight his hips hit hard. It wasn't long and we'd both reached our peaks, and he'd flopped back onto the bed.

"Ffuuccckkk. What a way to start Christmas Day?" He huffed.

"Too right!"

"I'm so happy" He said as he tucked me into his chest. "I'm looking forward to this all. It's gonna be good. We're gonna be good!"

For the first time in a while, I was excited too. I felt like we'd really sorted through things. Like we had a plan, and I couldn't wait to see how it was going to turn out. I just hoped that life wouldn't get in the way and they we'd manage to stick to everything we'd promised. I don't think my heart could take ever leaving him again.

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