I'll see you sunday

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Once the first kiss was out of our system we went back to just flirting and being a bit handsy. Tom had noticed and kept giving Jake very drunken, over the top winks and nudges.

As we stumbled out of the club, in a bid to find food, Jake's hand was around my waist as I wobbled on alcohol filled legs.

"You ok there?" He asked, those stunning blue eyes carrying a cheeky glint.

"Fine, honestly. Just not had this much to drink in a really long time!" I giggled. "I just need some chips and I'll feel loads better!"

"Yyyeeesss! Chhiiiips!" Tom called out and everyone headed for the first open takeaway place we could find. As we stood waiting for our order Jake had moved away a little.

"Don't think I'm being a dick," he said as he stood next to me at the counter as we waited for food "but I think there're paps outside and I just didn't want to make a drunken fool of myself in photos" he looked at his phone he was playing with in his hands.

"No worries. I don't fancy facing my manager's questions of photos with a guy, in the morning either"

"Like, if they weren't here I think I'd have you pinned against the wall right now" he smiled a sexy grin.

"The take away is still full of people Jake" I teased.

"I couldn't give a fuck about them" he looked dark and serious.

"Couldn't give a fuck about who?" Holland bounded up between us.

"Hey! Birthday boy! How you doing?" I tucked him in for a big hug.

"I need fooood." He looked at the cooking kebabs and crappy food. "How you guys doing?" He raised his eye brows "eh? Eh?"

"All good buddy" Jake handed the first lot of food to Tom "here you go, go and refuel" he patted his back in a big brotherly way and Tom sat down outside with Ed and Harry as they munched on their order.

"You heading home? Or back to Tom's? Or.." Jake asked as my chips arrived.

"Yeah I had better head home. I'm knackered!" It was nearly 4am the sun was coming up, I'd done very well for not wanting to go out at all.

"Cool, So could I um... get your number?" Jake looked a little embarrassed asking. He had been so cool so far, it was cute to see him a little flustered.

"Sure!" I took his phone and added my number and called it as we walked outside. He took his phone back and pulled me close in the bustle of the group headed towards a tube station.

"Got have a photo, contacts need photos" he kissed my cheek as he took a selfie, I held his face and couldn't help but smile. "Perfect".

We hung back from the group a little and talked on the walk to the station, we were both a little tipsy but conversation with him was easy. We laughed at the same stuff, and I felt like I'd spent the whole night smiling.

"So, I go this way" I paused at the junction of the underground where my and his crossed.

"Right. I could ride back with you. Make sure you get home safe?" Jake asked looking a little sad that we were parting ways.

"I'll be fine honestly. Thank you though. Make sure the birthday boy gets back safe. He's in a far worse state than me" Tom was draped over his mates and looking like he'd more than enjoyed himself.

"Yeah I suppose I should. I'll um, text you though right?" He held my hands and looked around us a little.

"I'll let you know when I get back safe" I'm sure no one ever actually meant that when they said it, I always forgot.

"Same" Jake smiled and leant forward giving me a quick kiss.

"Right, go before Tom truly embarrasses himself. Happy birthday, Holland!" I shouted as I skipped off in the direction of my line.

I sat down on the tube, I had a few stops before I got back to the flat and I checked my phone making sure I put jake's number in.

Me - I'm safely on an empty carriage. Hope Tom's managed to keep his fun down ;) x

Jake - I've sat well away from him just in case. Thank you for a great night. Make sure you let me know when you get home x J

I got back to the flat it was bloody roasting. Hiddleston was away and he hadn't been very clear about the timer of the air con, so I'd not figured out how to set it properly. I jumped in the shower and flopped out on the bed.

Me - made it back in one piece :) just got out of the shower. Did the birthday boy make it off the tube? X

Jake - He did. I'm just in a taxi. I put the kids to bed, now heading for my hotel! xJ

As if he went all the way to Tom's flat on the underground to just make sure he got back ok. Too cute.

Jake - now I have visions of you just out of the shower ;) xJ

Me - Ha! Naughty. Where are you staying? Xx

Jake - I can be naughty ;) I'm out of town a little bit. Why, you gonna come and visit me? xJ

Me - I could?!

Jake - you got plans on Sunday? xJ

Me - I don't think so :) xx

Jake - good. I'll sort something xJ

Me - sounds like a plan. Right. I'm heading to bed as it practically the time I normally get up. I'm definitely not a night owl! Night xx

Jake - good night Grace. I'll see you Sunday! xJ

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