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March 17, 2019
5:00 am

Ben's POV

We walked out of the jet. As I was walking down the aisle however, Erica came running in. She quickly went into the room full of weapons, and grabbed a gun. It wasn't a fancy gun. It was just a plain, black gun. She seemed very happy about it though.

" Are you ok?" I asked. She looked at me.

" Yup, I'm fine." She said. She followed me out of the plane. Everyone else was climbing into the van. This van was a little different. The doors on the insides didn't have handles. The handles were only on the outside. The only doors that had handles inside were the driver and the passenger's seats. Cyrus took the wheel, and Catherine sat beside him. The rest of us buckled up, and we sped off.

I heard some clicking noises behind me. I looked back. Erica was pulling apart her gun. She was putting the tiny pieces on one side, and the big pieces on the other. I wondered what she was going to do with them.

We headed into the city of Berlin.

" It shouldn't be too far. It's really easy to find. Just look out for a huge monument with horses on top of it." Catherine said.

We looked around. There were all sorts of monuments there. It made it almost impossible for us to find. We came into a clearing, and we saw it. The Brandenburg Gate. It was a very tall monument. The carriage with the horses sat on top. Cyrus parked the van.

" Alright everyone, listen up. We're going into a very dangerous place. We need to be careful and alert. Tell everyone if you see something suspicious. Terminate any sign of the enemy, and try not to get caught. Let's move out!" Cyrus yelled. He opened the doors of the van. We hurried outside. Weapons at the ready. I was really bad with a gun, but I took one anyway. Along with a grenade.

" Erica." I heard Cyrus say. " If anything goes wrong, do not go into that building." He pointed to the Brandenburg Gate.

" I want you to get out of here as fast as possible just in case." He said. He reached into the folds of his jacket, and pulled out a tablet. He turned it on. Different screens came on showing different camera views. It looked like it was from inside the Brandenburg Gate. He handed it to her along with an earpiece.

" You're our eyes. Tell us if anyone or anything is coming. Keep us updated ok?" Cyrus asked. Erica nodded.

" Ok." She said. Then, she hugged him.

" Just promise me it won't go wrong." She said. Cyrus hesitated for a moment.

" Cyrus, we have to go." Catherine said. She seemed upset about leaving her daughter alone. Cyrus broke out of the hug.

" Tell us if anything is happening. I'm counting you, sweetheart." Cyrus said. He pointed to Orion. " Keep him safe." He said. Then, he grabbed his stuff, and closed the doors. He took the key, and locked the car with it. A thought occurred to me.

" Couldn't she get out by pressing the lock and unlock button?" I asked. Cyrus shook his head.

" There is no lock and unlock button. Not inside the car. The key is the only thing that can lock and unlock the car. She has no way out." Cyrus said. She looked at the car, then he started running towards the building.

" Let's move." He said. We all followed him. The Brandenburg Gate towered over us. We went to the left side of it. Catherine looked at the wall for a bit. She started feeling around for something. She pressed on one of the bricks. The brick went down, and the wall turned, revealing a small elevator. We all squeezed into it.

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