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The Idiot's office
March 13, 2019
3:00 pm

I gasped. The Hale's were adding a new member to their family. I was not expecting this. I was so shocked, I actually had to sit down. There weren't any chairs, so I sat down on the floor. My friends were shocked too. Mike's jaw dropped so wide, I was afraid it might fall off. He was at a total loss for words. His eyes almost bugged out of his head.

Zoe was shocked too. But, she was always in the mood to talk. She immediately started asking questions.

" Congratulations! Oh my gosh. I'm like so shocked right now!" She yelled.

" Aren't we all?" I asked.

" Is it a boy or a girl? What are you going to name her or him?" Zoe asked.

Catherine chuckled. " We haven't figured those out yet. We're still waiting." She looked to Erica.

" Aren't you excited, dear? You're going to have a baby sister or brother!" She yelled. Erica remained silent. It was like she was on pause. She stayed in the same spot, gaping at her mother's stomach in shock. Her hand was still on her mother's stomach. She removed it carefully, and looked at it, then she looked back at her mother.

" Are you alright, sweetheart?" Alexander asked her.

" Y-yes. I......" She trailed off.

" Erica?" Catherine asked.

" I need air." Erica said. She quickly made her way out of the room. She rushed pass all of the security guards. Cyrus followed after her.

" Erica!" He yelled.

" Is she alright?" Mike asked.

" I don't know." I said. Erica looked surprised, but she also looked...worried. And scared. Erica never got scared. This is the first time I've ever seen her like this. We saw her run out of the building, with Cyrus at her heels.

" Maybe she's just a little shocked. I was shocked too when I found out. She's handling the situation a lot better than me." Alexander said. Catherine nodded in agreement.

" That is true. Alex was jumping up and down and screaming when he found out. He didn't stop until at least one hour later." She said.

" Oh my gosh. That's awesome. You guys are adding another fighter into the family. I wonder if he or she will fight better than you guys." Mike teased.

Alexander and Catherine laughed. " We'll see about that." Catherine said.

" Wow. I'm at a total loss for words. Um, congrats! I'm really happy for you two-I mean three!" I said. I wasn't thinking clearly at all. My head was a blur. I really was happy for them. It's the shock that keeps coming back to me.

" I'll go check on Erica and dad." Alexander said. He hurried out of the room and out of the building.

" When did you guys find out?" Zoe asked.

" A week ago. We wanted to wait and surprise you guys. So far, it's turned out to be a pretty big surprise." Catherine said.

I stood up and gave her another hug. Gently this time.

" I'm really happy for you guys." I said. Then I whispered, " If it's a boy, can we name him Ben?"

Catherine laughed. " Oh Ben. What are we going to do with you?"


The rest of the day went by quickly. Catherine said that we could all meet again at 8:00 tonight in the library. I was looking forward to that meeting. I wanted to learn more. I was so excited for tonight's meeting, I barely paid any attention in class. My friends weren't paying attention either. They were just as excited as I was.

Spy School: Little sister, big problems, giant futureOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant