A day full of surprises

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The library
8:40 pm

We talked about the baby for most of the meeting. We asked so many questions. Alexander and Catherine didn't even know the answers to some of them. But, they answered most of our questions.

" Are you going to teach her how to do crazy and awesome things? Like how to shoot a gun?" Mike asked.

" That's the plan." Cyrus replied.

" Cool!" Mike exclaimed.

" What is she going to wear?" Zoe asked. She asked the majority of the questions.

" Well, Alexander and I are going shopping for some baby supplies. Clothing is on the top of the list. I also still have Erica's baby clothes. The baby can wear that also." Catherine said.

" You still have Erica's baby clothes?" Mike asked, astonished.

" Of course. I need some memories of Erica's childhood. I still have a lot of pictures too. She was so cute as a baby! You know, she used to love to dance and sing. She would do it all the time. She drew a lot too. I still have some of the pictures she drew." She said.

Erica's face turned red. " Mom! We came here to talk about the baby. Not about me." She said.

" We didn't come here to talk about your sister. We just wanted to talk." Catherine said. " The topic just changed to you."

" Can we change the topic? I don't like talking about me." Erica said.

" Why?" Alexander asked.

" Because I don't. There's aren't many interesting things I do. It makes a conversation about me very boring." She replied.

" There're tons of interesting things that you do. It's fun to talk about you." Zoe said.

" Zoe's right. We talk about you all the time. Not in a bad way, but in a good way. We also don't know many things about you. So it would be interesting to talk about." Mike said.

" You guys know enough about me. You don't have to know every single thing about me." Erica said.

" I know that we don't have to, but we want to." Mike said. Erica rolled her eyes.

" She used to listen to music all the time. She had a wide variety of songs that she would listen to. Her favorite genre was rock." Catherine laughed. " She used to play an imaginary guitar. I got her a real guitar for her tenth birthday. She played it so well. She still has it actually." She said.

" How did you know that?" Erica asked.

" I'm a spy dear, it's my job to know things." Catherine replied. Then she asked, " Do you still play it?"

" Maybe." Erica said.

" Come on, tell the truth." Alexander said in a teasing manner.

" Sometimes. I'll play a few songs every now and then." Erica said. Zoe looked at her shocked.

" You play the guitar!?" She yelled. " Awesome! Can we hear you play it?" She asked.

" Maybe tomorrow. She'll play a few songs. But for now, it's best that we get going. You guys have class tomorrow. We have CIA work to deal with." Cyrus said.

" We can meet back here same time tomorrow." Catherine said.

" Ok." We all said. We stood up and walked out of the library. Zoe and Mike were in front of me. Erica was beside me.

" Erica." Cyrus called.

" Yes?" She replied.

" Are you sure that you're alright. You still seem a little on edge." Cyrus said.

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