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A/N!!! Hello everyone. I just want to say that this story could not have become anything if it weren't for cold_lady19 for she is the one who has inspired me to write this story. If you don't already know this chick yet, you should probably check out her story... my favorite story soooo far... "Sweet Madness". I promise you, you will not be disappointed. (:

"We are punished by our sins, not for them."

-Elbert Hubbard

-*-*Chapter One*-*-



Vision blurred by tears that won't fall...

I hear them gaining on me, my breathing becomes heavy and intense from the cold. What will happen when they catch me? Will I have to go back and endure more torment? Or will they just end my life here and now saving me the trouble of jumping off the end of the cliff as I plan?

No time to even think about this. I have to keep running.

"Don't let her escape!" I hear him call out to his followers. I clench onto the handheld crucifix in my hand tightly as I crush snow beneath my feet ocassionally running into trees.

My throat is stinging from all of the cold air I'm inhaling and my thighs are burning from the open cuts he has caused. How long have I been running? Why haven't they caught me yet? I've never been able to escape them for more than one minute! What's going on?

As if to speak to soon, I run into something hard falling flat on my back. My face is numb as well as my hands, but not numb enough to know that the wooden crucifix has splintered my left hand. I lick my lips and taste a bit of blood on the side of my mouth.

Slowly, I glance up, staring at black loafers first, black slacks, that familiar silver belt buckle with his initials on it, then his white dress up shirt which was unbuttoned at the top showing off a bit of his strong pale chest. I didn't dare let my eyes meet his... staring him in the face while he was not happy would only make him more upset. I knew this from previos experiences.

His chuckle sent a cold chill down my spine as I slowly caught my breath keeping my eyes on his chest. White smoke slowly escaped my mouth and disappeared. The process would repeat itself.

"You dare run away from me Anna Marie?" He laughed squating down in front of me unbuckling his belt. I turned to stare down at the snow. He moved his face so that I would look at him, but I looked the other way. It was almost as if he wanted me to stare him in the face! He laughed again. "It's okay, you can look at me, I'm not upset with you." He swore speaking calmly once his belt was off. I knew that tone all too well.

He was lying.

I shook my head and finally, those tears that had failed to fall before began streaming down my face, but no sound came from my mouth. My lip quivered as I struggled to hold in my voice. He laughed outloud then smoothly got onto his hands and knees crawling towards me dragging the belt behind him. I shook my head trying to crawl backwards but he grabbed my leg roughly with his free hand, his nails digging into my flesh slowly. I watched as blood seeped out from my leg slowly, but I couldn't feel the pain. I couldn't feel anything now!

"Anna..." He sang sweetly but in a mocking tone as he finally reached my face. His warm breath traced my face lightly down to my neck then to my cold ear. He licked it gently then chuckled lowly. "You're dying..." He whispered humorously seeming to enjoy this more than anything.

He was right. I was already shivering, I could feel my body slowly shutting down on me as every movement seemed like someone was slashing my skin with a brand new razor blade. I was freezing to death... and slowly.

The fact that I was wearing a very thin night gown was not helping one bit. I had on no shoes, no coat, no gloves or hat. Just this night gown and the skin I wear.

"J-j-ust k-kill m-m-me..." I whispered shivering in the mix. He blew his warm breath onto my cheek. God that felt good.

"Killing you would be like spoiling the end to a really good movie. I want you to look at me." He whispered then let his warm lips touch my frozen cheek. I closed my eyes lightly, but he pulled his lips away all too quickly. The cold wind blew and my cheek was frozen yet again.

"Will you let me leave?" I whispered too weak to raise my voice. From the corner of my eyes, I saw his sharp smirk.

"You know better than to make a deal with me Anna Marie..." He chuckled wiping away a tear from my frozen cheek. He was right again. I knew better than to make a deal with him. "Look at me and I'll do something kind for you."

I knew this had to be some kind of set up, but if that "something kind" meant getting me out of the cold and back into the warmth of his castle, then so be it. I'd just have to come up with another way to escape. But next time, fully dressed.

I sighed shakily and slowly let my eyes travel towards his pale, beautiful face. His black hair hung down on his shoulders, his canine teeth sharp and ready to dig into me, and his light brown eyes no longer brown, but pitch black... just like they always were when he was angered.

"You stupid, stupid girl." He growled and smacked me with the back of his hand. He struck me with such force, I fell back into the snow all the way now, my face stinging with pain and burried into the white snow. I let out a cry as he snatched the back of my hair pulling my face up from the cold snow. Before I had a chance to look him in the face, he struck me again, but this time with the belt buckel and once again, my face was burried in the snow. He wrapped the belt around my neck like a noose cursing under his breath. Soon enough, we were levitating from the snow, blood dripping from my mouth and legs as he carried me away over the trees and snow, my legs kicking the air, me gripping at the belt buckel choking on the little bit of air that was left in my lungs.

Then, we reached the castle. He tossed me into the open window and despite the pain of landing on the cement floor, warmth hit my body like heroine. I immediatly got on my hands and knees choking for air staring down at the ground. He was floating there in the window like a ghost staring at me evily watching in disgust.

"Escape me again and I will cut something off of your pretty little body." He roared demonically then flew away from my window. It slammed shut without being touched and locked shortly after.

There's no way out.


Well what did you guys think about that? Mysterious right? I mean, who are these characters and what roles do they play? You've already met the man, but who is he? Or a better question would be... what is he? Has Anna Marie done something to deserve this?

Find out in the next chapterrrrr! Don't forget to vote, comment, you know all that good stuff ^_^

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