Diary Entries

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November 13, 1999

Number Eight's powers have manifested. She appears to have the ability to read minds. I will need to do tests on her to determine the extent of her power.

June 1, 2000

Number One claims Number Eight forced him to play with her, despite that he did not want to. Number Eight's powers are growing. It seems to me that she can force people to do what she wants, much like that of Number Three. I have not seen it myself, but from what I've heard, Number Eight doesn't need to use words to control others.

September 19, 2000

Number Eight's powers are of some concern to me. She is able to manipulate others into doing what she wants. From what I can see, the person she is manipulating loses all sense of control and does what she wants before coming to their senses.

May 3, 2002

Number Eight went on her first mission today. She was scared, but her siblings protected her. She took over the minds of the hostages and led them to safety.

Though she has the ability to use her powers for great evil, she seems to be using them for good. She rarely manipulates the minds of her siblings. It seems she does not like doing it.

December 16, 2002

Number Eight does not like the lessons and training I have prepared for her. She has grown tired of them. Earlier today, she tried to control me. She has been lashing out more, showing her anger. I have resorted to locking her in her room until she learns to cooperate.

July 21, 2004

Number Six has passed away. However, it seems that Number Eight, like Number Four, can communicate with the supposed spirit of Number Six. I find this incredibly interesting. I must make a note of this. Number Eight's powers are manifesting deeper than I thought possible.

Also, while witnessing a fight between Number One and Number Two, Number Eight began warning Number Two of Number One's attacks. It seems she knows what her opponent's attacks are, even the attacks of another opponent she isn't fighting.

The Voices in Her Head (No. 8)Where stories live. Discover now