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[Don't mind all the updates :). Listen to the song as you read, if you'd like.]

"She's waking up."

"Maybe she'll be more willing to talk."

Katrine groaned as her eyes opened. They slowly focused to see that she was in a dark room. "Where's my brother?" She asked slowly, mentally having to focus on speaking each word.

"Right here." Klaus said.

Katrine slowly turned to see him, mentally cursing her head. She looked at her brother to see that his face was bloody. Sweat was dripping down his body, gathering around his towel. She glanced down at herself to see that she'd been stripped down to her underclothes.

Before she had a chance to talk to Klaus, her face was grabbed. "Where's the boy?"

Even though she knew what boy they were talking about, she decided to play dumb. "What boy?"

She was punched in the face and Klaus let out a scream.

"I said, where is the boy?" The figure in the dog mask said again.

Katrine narrowed her eyes. "And I said what boy."

Her face was grabbed harshly once again. "The boy. Now."

Katrine glared. "Fine. I'll play along. But first, tell me why you're looking for Five."

"Just answer the question, and we'll let you two go."

Katrine's glare deepened. "I don't know where he is. Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. Let us go. People are going to be looking for us."

"For you." Klaus said.

She frowned at her brother and focused on their captors. "The girl is as stubborn as the boy."

"I knew she wouldn't be willing to talk."

Meanwhile, Katrine turned to Klaus, still trying to ignore the throbbing in her head. "Klaus? Are you alright? I should have shot at them, but it was like I froze."

"Kat, it's okay. I don't blame you for freezing up. I probably would have done the same."

Ben looked at Katrine and frowned. He looked at his brother. "Klaus, she's not doing well."

Klaus sighed. "Yeah, I can see that. Kat, stay with me."

Katrine shut her eyes for a moment. "My head is pounding, Klaus. And I keep hearing all these thoughts in my head."

"Look at the back of her head."

Klaus did as Ben suggested and he saw blood. "Kat, you're bleeding."

She nodded slowly. "I'm aware. I feel the blood dripping down my neck. I can only hope backup gets here soon."

The figures appeared from the bathroom and the smaller one said, "Torturing works best when you know who you're torturing."

Katrine and Klaus stared at the figures as they walked closer. The smaller one moved behind Katrine and gripped her hair; right near where her head was throbbing. She screamed and Klaus glared at the smaller masked figure. "Let her go!"

Something Katrine couldn't see was wrapped tightly and she started to gasp for air. The smaller figure said, "I guess the girl doesn't have the same kinks."

Katrine coughed and managed, "Let me go." The cord got tighter and Katrine could feel herself choking and getting faint. She was struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Klaus, you need to say something. Save her."

Klaus let out an irritated sigh. "Fine. I'll talk. Just leave her alone."

The Voices in Her Head (No. 8)Where stories live. Discover now