Becoming a Deputy

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(Age 18)

Image of Detective Lincoln Michaels above

Katrine walked into the station, preparing as her first day as the new deputy. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. She was incredibly nervous.

Diego pushed her inside the station. "Kat, come on. You're gonna do great. Just don't read people's minds and freak them out, okay?"

She frowned at him. "No shit, Diego. I can control it."

He shot her a look. "Watch your language, young lady."

"You're not Dad, Two. I don't have to watch my language."

A woman walked up to Diego and kissed him. "Hey, Diego. Who's this?"

Katrine cleared her throat. "Katrine Hargreeves. The new deputy."

The woman smiled. "Oh, right! I'm Detective Eudora Patch. It's a pleasure to meet you, Katrine."

Diego smiled at Patch. "I gotta go, but I'll catch you later, okay?"

Patch nodded. "See you tonight."

"Take care of my baby sister, okay?"

Katrine frowned. "I'm not a baby, D."

"I know you're not. Please, Eudora. Take care of her."

Patch gave him a small smile. "I will. Come on, Katrine. Let me show you around."

She started leading the young girl through the station.

A tall guy who was easy on the eyes smiled at the two women. "Hey, Patch. Who's this?"

"This is Katrine Hargreeves. The new deputy."

He turned to Katrine. "I'm Detective Michaels. But you can call me Lincoln."

Katrine raised an eyebrow at his surprising forwardness. "Are you like that with all the ladies?"

Lincoln shook his head. "No, not really. There's been no one of serious interest. Until I met you."

Patch sighed. "Detective Michaels, stop. You're embarrassing yourself. I need to fill out some paperwork, so can you finish showing Katrine around and get her a desk?"

"Sure thing, partner."

"I told you not to call me that."

Patch disappeared and Lincoln led Katrine over to a desk. "Is this one alright?"

Katrine nodded. "Yeah. Can you stop saying how pretty I am? It's really distracting."

Lincoln frowned. "I didn't say that. How'd you--Wait a minute. Hargreeves? Oh, my God! I'm an idiot! You're Reginald Hargreeves' daughter. So, what, you can read minds?"

"Mm-hmm. It's a wonderful power."

"What else can you do?"

"Uh, I can manipulate you to do what I want. But I don't like doing it."

"Tell me to do something."

"Lincoln, I don't know. I don't--"


Katrine sighed and focused on Lincoln's mind. Pick up the pen to your left.

Lincoln automatically did so and frowned before smiling. "That is so cool! Hey, do you want to get lunch? I can show you the ropes."

"You were a deputy?"

"Once upon a time. But you already knew that."

"Uh, no. I didn't. Not unless I read your mind."

"You can control it?"

"It took awhile, but yeah. I can."

"That's really cool. So, lunch. My treat. Whaddya say?"

"Lunch sounds great."

The two of them made their way to Griddy's Diner. Katrine smiled, seeing Agnes.

The waitress smiled. "Katrine! How are you?"

"I'm good. And you?"

"Very well, thank you. What can I get the two of you?"

Katrine studied the menu and said, "I'll have a turkey sandwich and a black coffee."

Lincoln perused the menu before saying, "You know what, a turkey sandwich sounds great. I'll also get a coffee. Black."

Agnes smiled. "Two orders of black coffee and turkey sandwiches coming right up."

Katrine frowned when Agnes turned her back and Lincoln raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"She thinks we're a couple."

Lincoln laughed and Katrine pouted. "It's not funny!"

He continued laughing and nodded. "It kind of is."

The Voices in Her Head (No. 8)Where stories live. Discover now