Day 4 - 30/7/19 - New Theriotype

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Sorry I didn't post yesterday, my parents have taken away my electronics until the weekends, so I won't be able to update everyday, but I'll try when I can!

6:16 PM

So I'm pretty sure I have a fox theriotype, as I love digging with my paws (triggers me) and hiding under things. Just like today, when I said to my teacher that I was feeling sick, and she told me to find a spot in the classroom and lie down, so I grabbed a pillow and hid under a desk, and it just felt so nice! And I can't wait until my birthday on Thursday!! Eek! Well I'm thinking of meditating with my fox theriotype and trying to shift with them, and just really try and understand them more. I'm also going to practise fox sounds, as I don't know any! Heh! And yeah, just some Fox theriotype work really tonight. I'll try and talk later!

7:28 PM

Oh my gosh I feel amazing! I just shifted into my Red Wolf Theriotype (Sadly not the fox D:) and I howled at the moon and it just felt so great! I actually started on my back deck, and before I knew it, I was downstairs on the grass on my hands and feet in nearly the pitch-black darkness. At this time of year, there are Bindies or Prickles on the grass, which we usually avoid because they stab into you're hands, but when I was shifted, I couldn't feel them! I'm not sure what it is, but I know it was a phantom and sensory shift, and I could feel my ears, tail and paws! Muzzle?...Not so much sadly, but still! It was the best shift I've ever had in my life!

Well, my mother is out at a High-School meeting for next year, and it started at 7 and it will go for maybe another three hours??

And I'm thinking of making my own wolf ear's! I have a spare, bare eared headband that I never use, and I'm thinking of adding the fur onto that! Any tips, tricks or helpful hints??

I also started reciting a fox spell/charm, and it says to try and shift on a full moon, which is soon, so hopefully, everything goes smoothly! 

I'm so sorry for this little rant I go on, but sorry for the short entry today, not much has gone on that's that interesting. 

And Sorry this was such a short entry, not that much therian stuff has happend besides a friendship problem about my friend saying she feels like out in our little group, when everyone in our group (Consists of only 5 people including the girl and myself) like cute, pink, kawaii things, when I like blood, death and gore. And she's said "I've been feeling like this longer then you guys even think." When I'm like, "Bro. I've wanted to die because of you like, shut the hell up." But, ya'know, it wouldn't be polite :3

Sorry for the little rant!


Keep Howling!!

As Strong As a Wolf,

As Cunning as a Fox.

The strength of the Pack is the Wolf,

And the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.

As Wild as An Animal,

- LaurenWolfHeart

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