"Nagini: kill!"

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The Battle of Hogwarts is in full swing and even though you're on Harry Potter's side, you can't help but give in to your liking for the former potion's master when you hear Voldemort call for him.


You just have to get away from the loud noises and fighting for a little while. Just a few minutes of silence and you will be back at the castle, helping the others protect the place and people you all love so much.

You know it is irresponsible; just going away while the others are fighting for their lives, but you have no choice. All that's happening has you live on your nerves and if you don't go and seek silence, you'll possibly collapse and be of even less use than you are now. You just have to recharge for a few minutes; what is the worst that can happen?

Knowing that looking at the water can be very calming, you run to the boathouse, away from all the fuss near the castle itself. You'd hoped and thought no'one would be there at this time, but you freeze when you hear voices from inside anyway.

Who on earth could that be?

And why would they be here at this exact moment? Did they seek silence just like you, or do they have another reason to wander around the boathouse?

You take a small, calculated step closer and try to make out what the hushed voices are saying. It shouldn't be too difficult, you'd think, seeing as the walls are made of either coloured glass or some thin, wooden planks, but it's nearly impossible anyway.

The conversation seems to be nearing the end just as you manage to catch up a few words that mean nothing to you, before hearing: "Get Severus. I need him to – do something for me."

It is a low, hissing voice, which is unmistakeably the one of Lord Voldemort himself. You feel a shiver run down your spine upon hearing it and take a step back.

Rushed footsteps follow, but they soon die away until silence remains. They most likely belonged to some Death Eater, who is now on his way to find Severus amongst the whole crowd.

But why would Severus have to stop fighting and come to Voldemort? They were probably cooperating all the time, weren't they? The last bit of Voldemorts sentence came out a bit too hesistant and for some reason it feels like that isn't why he wants to see him at all.

Severus himself had fled the castle a few hours ago, just before the whole battle had started. Which side he is fighting on at the moment is still a mystery to you.

You both had somewhat been friends since you began teaching at Hogwarts last year, but you were starting to have more and more doubts about what he was up to ever since the end of it. At first, when he tolerated you enough to have a normal conversation with, you occasionally took walks around the Hogwarts grounds together. He always said it was just to check if all the students were inside after curfew, but you secretly knew better.

Though, ever since that night when he killed Albus Dumbledore, you started to avoid him. You all didn't see him walking in and around the castle that much anymore, and you didn't make an effort to search for him either. You were not only afraid, but actually also worried.

You probably still are, really.

He acted so differently ever since that night on which he killed the headmaster. You know he's never been a very cheerful person, but he could be quite fun to be around when he trusted you enough...

A gust of wind suddenly shakes you out of thoughts and you take a step back while brushing a strand of messy hair behind your ear. Soon you notice a cloaked person standing on top of the hill in front of you.

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