Chapter 12

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One thing Ruby had noticed, was that it had snowed while everyone was on vacation. It rarely snowed in Cokeworth; Ruby guessed it was because of the factories and the pollution. Snow was a novelty, especially since when it did snow, it was often turned to a brown slush that felt weird under her bare feet in hours. Here, however, pure white snow covered the ground as far as Ruby could see. The lake had frozen over, now white instead of the terrifying black. The leafless trees were covered in it, and the evergreens' green color hidden by the blanket of snow that covered their branches.

Ruby was sitting in the common room, surrounded by her Slytherin friends. Narcissa and Lucius had spent nearly the entire vacation together, and had had a date under the moonlight near the Black Lake on Christmas eve. Neither seemed to mind, and after the conversation from and to Hogwarts, Ruby could guess why.

Classes were over, and the Marauders had survived without injury. Ruby wasn't that surprised after Jana's threatening. It was nearly time for dinner, and Narcissa said so, insisting that they go before all the good food was gone, or exploded from a prank. The others agreed, and the group made their way to the Great Hall.

It was cold, and Ruby found herself wearing her Gryffindor scarf, despite the material feeling odd around her neck. She'd almost rather be cold than wear the reminder of her house, but Sev was worried she would get sick. Ruby almost rolled her eyes. She had never gotten sick despite being barefoot, and her thin torn clothing being several sizes to small, or several sizes too big, depending on the year.

Ruby glanced at the Gryffindor table. It was easy to see the Marauders. Potter was sitting next to Evans, who looked like she might explode. Black was sitting next to a girl Ruby didn't know, but her tie said she was in Gryffindor, doing what Ruby guessed was flirting. She didn't know much, having grown up in Spinner's End, but the girl was blushing furiously, like Narcissa did when Jana rolled her eyes at something Lucius had done or said. Lupin was reading a book, seemingly ignoring the food in front of him, unlike Pettigrew who sat next to him, eating enough for the four of them. Alice was next to Frank Longbottom and Marlene was snogging a boy. Ruby quickly averted her eyes. Mary was nowhere to be found. Not a single one of them was just quietly talking and eating.

Not for the first time, Ruby found herself questioning her sorting. Did she really belong with them? She seemed to fit so well in Slytherin. Wouldn't she be an outcast over there? She certainly didn't seem brave.

Until she was ordered to go make friends with them by Dumbledore himself, she would stay with the Slytherins. She belonged wherever her brother was, which was not Gryffindor.

She caught Stanley's eye, and he grinned, waving. She smiled back with a small wave, before turning to the food. She was never very hungry, but there was enough food for everyone, so she would eat. Ruby was actually full when she stopped eating, as strange as it felt to her. She was still eating significantly less than everyone else, and had to wait for them to finish, so she decided to look for the other two of the first year trio.

It didn't take long to spot Jasper. Christina was a little hard to find, but Ruby eventually found her next to a girl who appeared to be several years older than her, although they didn't look like siblings. Christina must have felt the eyes on her, because she turned, and looked around, finally seeing Ruby. A grin quickly spread across the girl's face, and she waved happily. Ruby smiled, and waved as well, although not as wildly.

"Who are you waving at?" Amaris asked, "That Hufflepuff? Isn't that the girl you saved?"

"Yeah. That's her."

"She's cute. Looks like a Hufflepuff."

"She is a Hufflepuff."

"I know. Obviously, but she just looks like one. Some Ravenclaws don't look like Ravenclaws. Some Gryffindors don't look like Gryffindors." Amaris looked at her pointedly. "Do you ever wear your tie?"

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