Chapter 4

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       "Gryffindor!!!" The hat shouted. No one really knew what to do. The Gryffindors weren't sure they should be happy with someone who was clearly friends with Slytherins, and the Slytherins shocked at her sorting. Lucius and Sev slowly started clapping, and some Gryffindors joined in hesitantly.

Ruby took off the hat and sat down away from both the Marauders and Sev's ex-friend, Lily. The hat moved on to the first years, effectively taking the attention away from Ruby.

Ruby ate little during the feast despite the piles of food in front of her. Her habits were ingrained deeply.

After dinner, she followed Lily to the common room. The common room was nice, warm and homey, with a bright crackling fire, large plush couches and thick rugs. Everything was either red or gold, and everything was bright. It was unsettling after living in the dark, dirty and cold house on Spinner's End.

There was an extra bed in the dorm with her trunk by it. Ruby couldn't sleep. It was strange to be sleeping on an actual bed. At home the siblings had resorted to using the child mattress as a pillow and sleeping on the floor. They were far too tall for it. At home, everything was silent, neither twin daring to make a noise, and their father passed out somewhere in the house. Here, her roommates chatted excitedly, and laughed. It was so weird that Ruby found herself walking silently out of the dorm and out of the Gryffindor common room.

Despite never having set foot in the castle before, she found it surprisingly easy to find the dungeons. She sat outside the portrait of Salazar Slytherin, waiting for someone to come. When they did, she hid silently in the shadows, listening as they said the password.

When all was quiet again, she whispered the password to the portrait, and the wall opened up. She walked in silently, more out of habit than on purpose.

The Slytherin common room was cold, and dark. there were windows that looked out into the Black Lake, but nothing could be seen now, since it was dark out. The green fire provided little warmth, and although the black leather couches looked comfortable, they weren't nearly as welcoming as the ones in Gryffindor.

Ruby took the staircase up to the boys' dorms, and looked for the door that said sixth year. It didn't take long, and Ruby opened the door quietly.

No one was awake, thankfully, except Sev, who sat up immediately.

"Hey, Ruby." He said, when he realized who it was. "Couldn't sleep?" She shook her head, walking over to his bed and laying down next to him like they always did at home.

"No. It's way too warm over there. And I've barely ever slept without you."

"I've been at Hogwarts for years now."

"Yeah, I know." She sighed, realizing her slip-up.

"I'm here now. We should sleep. It's your first day of classes tomorrow."

"Good night."

"Good night."

They drifted off, sleeping soundly until morning, when they were awoken by a shrill scream.

The two sat up quickly, instinctively covering their faces.

Ruby blinked, glaring murderously at the boy.

"Who are you?" She growled.

"Crabbe." He squeaked. "Why are you in the guys dorm?"

"Sev's in here." She motioned to her brother, shrugging.

"Are you his girlfriend?"

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