Chapter 8

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Ruby didn't feel it when a hand grasped her wrist tightly, pulling her and the first year out of the water. She didn't feel anything when a hand felt for her pulse. She didn't feel it when she was carried into the hospital wing and placed on a bed, her skin pale, her eyes closed. She didn't feel it when they forced the water out of her lungs. She didn't feel a hand take hers, or tears fall on to her hand.

Ruby didn't hear the screaming voices begging for someone to help when she was laid on the grass at the edge of the lake. She didn't hear someone telling everyone to make way for Madam Pomfrey. She didn't hear the nurse fussing over her, or the people crowded around her bed. She didn't hear her brother's sobs, or his pleas for her to wake.

Ruby didn't see the bright blue sky above her, or the green grass and white flowers below her. Ruby didn't see the faces crowding around to see her. She didn't see them move away to let Madam Pomfrey come closer. Ruby didn't see as she was carried into the castle and to the Hospital Wing. She didn't see the nurse try to shoo everyone out, only to eventually give up, insisting she would make them leave if they bothered her. Ruby didn't see her brother stay when everyone else finally drifted away as their hunger grew or their curiosity was satisfied. Ruby didn't see when Amaris and the rest of Sev's Slytherin friends came in to bring him food and spend an hour with him until they had to go to class. She didn't see Professor Slughorn come in and try to convince her brother to come back to class, only for him to shake his head. Ruby didn't see anything but darkness.

Ruby didn't smell the flowers when she was laid on the grass. Ruby didn't smell the chemicals from the Hospital Wing as she was carried in.

Ruby didn't taste the dark water that was forced from her lungs. She didn't taste the disgusting potions that were forced down her throat.

Ruby lay in the bed for five days, like the dead before slowly her senses began to revive. First, it was the stinging smell of chemicals in her nose. Then it was the bright light shinning on her, making her see red behind her closed eyelids as it tried to pierce through. Then she felt a cold hand in hers. Then she heard slow footsteps coming closer.

"Hey, Severus. I brought you breakfast. I really wish I could stay, but I've got classes." Her brother didn't reply, and the person slowly walked away.

Ruby let her eyes flutter open, groaning when the light stung her eyes. She felt her brother shoot up, wrapping his arms tightly around her.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I thought you were dead." He cried. She wrapped her arms around him, a few tears rolling down her face.

"It's okay, Sev." She said soothingly. "I'm alive. I'm not going to leave you." He calmed down after another minute. "Besides, we both know that if I did die, I'd just come back as a ghost." She joked, before suddenly becoming serious. "Christina. How is she? Is she alive?"

"She's over there." He motioned to the bed next to her. Christina looked fragile laying there frozen. "She's breathing. They're not sure she'll make it, but she's alive for now."

"I hope she lives." Sev nodded.

"Her family's staying here until she wakes. They're at dinner now, but they'll probably be back afterwards. They keep thanking me over and over, and it's kind of weird."

Ruby laughed a little. "Well, I'm awake now, so I can deal with it for you. The Marauders haven't been pranking or bullying you, have they?"

"Thankfully, no. I think it's because I've been in the Hospital Wing the whole time, and Madam Pomfrey would kill them if they tried. They'll probably go off with a bang when I leave."

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