Chapter 10

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    I had only told my dance teacher that I was pregnant. And she wished me well and told me that my place in the team should still be there as soon as I was ready to come back and that my little one already had a place reserved in the studio. She really wants a protégé.
   Kelly was really overprotective of me, too. He held me hand twice as tightly when we were out and would always coming running at the slightest of noises to check I was okay. I found it sweet. I just knew he would be a great dad.
    Four months into the pregnancy, I decided to announce it publicly. I was still barely showing but I didn't want to hide it any long. So, on my social media, I posted a picture of Kelly kissing my cheek and captioned it: 'This is the love of my life. His name is Kelly and he is a firefighter. I'm so proud of him for what he does every day, and I am so happy that I met him. And that he is the man I will give my life to. I'm so happy that he is the man who's child I'm carrying and I know he will be a great father. Kelly Severide, I love you.'
   "That's cute." Kelly's voice whispered as he looked over my shoulder, reading the comments from the post. He pointed out a couple of comments with things like cute messages, baby names he liked or just internet language he didn't fully understand.
    The hospital's maternity waiting room was practically empty and we were the last to go in. A tall blonde woman came out and called my name and Kelly and I followed into the dark room.
    "How far along are you?" She asked, as I sat on the bed. She examined my stomach before she began to take the scan.
   "About four months, why?" I asked. She looked between me, Kelly and the screen.
   "Firstly you still look tiny," she commented, looking closer at the scan, "and secondly, I would say that you have been pregnant for longer than you think." Kelly and I both looked confused. "You Baby is developed to be a six-month old foetus, not a fourth month old." She was very certain.
    "So I had been pregnant for two months before I even started showing signs?" I questioned. She nodded.
    "That can happen, sometimes. It just depends on the person. Some people don't ever know they are pregnant until they go into labour because they never show any signs or anything."
   "But the baby is healthy for six-months, right?" Kelly worries, taking my hand. He looked at the monitor. "He is she looks so small."
   "Baby is perfectly healthy, yes, Mr.Severide." Everyone knew Kelly in this part of Chicago. "Do you want to know the gender?" The kind woman asked. I looked at Kelly.
   "No, I want to keep it a surprise." I spoke up, Kelly agreeing. The woman nodded and printed out a copy of the scan for both me and Kelly.
    "How'd the scan go?" Cruz asked, hugging me upon return. He had become like an older brother to me.
   "Ensightful. Firstly, we found out I'm actually six months along, not four." I laughed. "But apart from that, it was good."
    "What names have you though of?" He asked. Kelly wrapped his arm around my waist as we sat on the couch with everyone else. I looked over to see my dad staring out the window.
    "We have a couple of names." Kelly began. "If its a boy then Silas Matthew and, if it's a girl, Esme Grace." We both smiled. They all complimented the names. "But we will wait and see."
    My dad came out of his office and just stopped, looking at us all. He went to speak but didn't. He just walked off outside.
    "Sometime I wonder what is going on inside his head." I sighed. "Like I wish he would just tell me how he feels- like I know I'm a disappointment of a daughter but like you could at least say so." I whined. 
    "Georgia you aren't any of that. You are beautiful and an incredible dancer." Otis smiled.
    "Okay I would just like to announce that I'm
Un-officially adopting Georgia as my child." Herrmann laughed, tidying up my hair a bit.
    "You don't need your dad," Cruz places a hand in my shoulder, "you've got us."

The fire within | Chicago Fire/ Kelly Severide/ Matt Casey's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now