Chapter 3

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    I had gotten into a routine over the couple months I had been with my dad. I went to work with him and I chilled at the fire station. Because I did online classes, I did a couple hour studying in the morning and then hung out with the rest of the guys until it was time for dance. After, Kelly always picked me up and we would go somewhere and talk or just spend time together. He was a really nice guy and I felt safe with him. He would drop me off just outside the firehouse so that our little secret was kept that way.
    "I though you said you dance class ended at five, it's nearly seven!" My dad yelled at me when I walked in. Cruz, Herrmann and Otis all looked over at us but didn't say anything. I gulped. My dad was scary when he's angry.
   "They end at 5:30 but I have to stay late to practise! We have a really important competition coming up, soon!" I retaliated. He just grunted.
   "Yeah well I'm in charge of you now and I want you back here earlier. I want to go straight home after my shift and not have to wait around for you!"
  "You don't fucking own me! I'm not your property! And since when have you ever cared about me or my safety?" I screamed. His face turned red with anger.
   "I don't give a fuck about your safety, I don't want to have to deal with it if something happens." He yelled. I could feel the eyes of the other three staring at me. My dad was still yelling. "I never fucking wanted a kid, never want you. You were a mistake! I wish you were never born!"
   I stood silent; I couldn't find the voice to yell so, as a tear ran down my cheek, I just quietly cried: "I never asked to be born."
    And I ran.
    I ended up wondering the streets of Chicago, having no clue where I was going. I seriously considered going to the police station and crying to Erin but then things would only get worse, so, I just kept on walking. I then considered just jumping off a building, only to realise that that would just give my dad what he wanted also decided against to. Once again, I just kept walking.
    "Georgie." A voice called from behind me. I turned around only to be engulfed in a strong pair of familiar arms. I didn't need to look to know who it was. I hugged the figure tightly until I looked up to see his eyes. "Otis called to say that you were missing . What happened?" He asked, pushing the hair from my face.
    "We got in a fight. My dad said he wished I was never born. That I was a mistake." I didn't cry onto him but a single tear did slip. "I just fucking hate him. I didn't ask to be born, especially as the offspring of him."
    "I know, honey, I know." He soothes me. "I'm not letting you go back to him like this. You can stay at mine tonight- I've got a couch that folds out into a bed in my room. I'll take you back to your dad in the morning." He explained. "And plus, Shay is out of town so we can watch movies all night." He made me smile.
    It was a Friday night so his neighbourhood was quiet, most people out celebrating the weekend. He pulled his car into the driveway and we both got out.
    "Your apartment is nice." I complimented as we briskly wondered inside. He held the door for me, making me smile. "Thanks." I turned to him as he locked his door.
    "Just this way." He motioned for me to follow him through a door on the left, which led to his bedroom.
   He had a big, comfy bed with grey sheets and a checked comforter. He had an already made-up couch-bed, too. There was also a wall-mounted TV, too.
    "Do you need something to sleep in, a t-shirt or something?" He asked. I nodded and he grabbed me a long black t-shirt from his closet. "Here you go." He gave me a kind smile. "Do you want to me to leave or?" He asked, awkwardly, rubbing his hand on his neck. I giggled, briefly.
   "No, it's fine, don't worry I'll just turn my back." I explained. He nodded and looked down. When he looked up, he saw me pulling the shirt over my naked back, the only thing I was wearing was a pair of black panties, now covered by the shirt, which reached my mid-thigh.
    I turned around to see him standing there, looking at me, a slight colour in his cheeks. He shifted awkwardly and looked away. I padded up to him and placed my hand over his arm, leaning up onto my tip-toes to kiss his cheek.
    "Thank you, Kelly, for everything." I smiled, weakly. I looked up into his hypnotic eyes and he looked down into mine. I blushed as he slipped his hands from around my upper-arm to my waist. I went to look down but he took my chin and lifted it up again.
    "You're beautiful." He said.

The fire within | Chicago Fire/ Kelly Severide/ Matt Casey's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now