Lil Red Riding Hood

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The sun streamed into his room while he let out a loud whine, rolling around his sheets in a small temper tantrum for having to get up and go out into the outer world. He flailed his arms and kicked his legs, whining as he tries to sleep more, clinging to the last strands of his dream before he finally surfaced with a begrudging groan. He rolled off the bed and laid on the cold hardwood for awhile, his thoughts sluggish and easily misdirected. He stood up after awhile, his arms swinging while he shuffled to the bathroom. After that, stiles turned the shower on and turned around, freezing in spot. He stared at the reflection in the mirror, a shocked horror drawing over his features.

His skin was flawless, still dotted with moles but it was almost.. Attractive? His eyes were clear, a eerie warmth to them, almost like his eyes were pulsing with power. It was freaking him out. He pulled off his sweats and boxers. Sure he played lacrosse for his college scholarships but he usually only packed on thirty or so pounds. Now his shoulders were broad, wide and full, his arms were once toned but now they bulged with a weird amount of muscle, not like Scott or Derek but he wasn't lanky, lithe anymore. His torso was toned, his stomach was taunt over abs he didn't know he possessed, his hips narrow with a defined 'v', his legs were strong, taunt with muscle he used to run and jump, vault and land from high places. He wasn't a pup anymore, even the past three years as a Beta he was never this built. He let out a strangled exhale of air before he got under the water.

When he was dressed, fed and on his way to the school, as usual he was called but this time it was Derek. "Hello?" He answered when setting the phone to Bluetooth. There was a few seconds of static before he heard him speak. "I need you to stay away today. Don't come to school. Call in sick." The older wolf sounded distressed, in some kind of pain it sounded like, but before stiles could reply the phone went silent. He stared at the road at the intersection for a few minutes, confusion running weird, unnatural scenarios before his father called him also. "Hello-" and again, interrupted, "Stiles, you should stay home today, I already called in sick for you." And again, no surprise here, silence. He let out a frustrated sigh and reached into the glove department, grabbing the small square package and pulling a cigarette out of it. He lit the end with his lighter and inhaled the smoke, his body slowly evening out from its previous frenzy. Yeah he smokes, not all the time just.. Most of the time. He turned the wheel and pulled off an extremely illegal u-turn but his dad is the head dog around here, you think stiles gives a fuck? No he doesn't give a fuck.


When he pulled up to the house, Cora and Issac were leaning against the front door, his eyebrows shot up. He got out of the car, inhaled from his second smoke before he walked towards them. "Someone better tell me what the fuck is going on or imma rip someone's spleen out and it's not gonna be fucking pretty." Issac's eyes widening before Cora stepped forward. "Derek is in a rut."

Stiles's eyes closed as he let out a groans, of fucking course he was. He inhaled another cloud of toxins before walking to the door, tossing the cigarette to the side with a angry gesture. The one thing he didn't need this month was Derek's fucking rut. He's gonna be all 'Rawr, imma eat your face off then hump you' Stiles has gone to Deaton many occasions for advice and after becoming Alpha he was told everything. From ruts to knots."Of course he is. Of fucking course he is." After unlocking the door, he stepped in. He walked to the kitchen after kicking his shoes off, running his hand through his hair, a gesture related to him being stressed or frustrated. He heard the betas walk in, his head turning when Issac cleared his throat.

"We came here to.. Watch over you." At Stiles's snort they both sighed. "We all know how Derek is when he is in a rut, he prowls around and growls. This time we need to keep him busy, make him try and forget until we can lock him up after work." The red wolf sighed and leaned against the counter, his arms crossed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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