Back in Black

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Derek's hands slid down Stiles's back, blood trailing after his fingers, their fangs gleaming and snapping between them, huffed growls and pants echoing the loft, their breath mingling. Stiles had his hand around his own cock, blood red and straining, breath punched out of him each time Derek slammed into him.

"Gotta fuck you so good, gonna breed you, make you mine so everyone fucking knows." Derek growled into Stiles's ear, his cock pistolling in and out of the younger wolf, Stiles's nails breaking and clawing at the skin taunt over Derek's back. "Youre mine, thats how I like it."

"Im yours, I'm yours-!" Stiles felt his toes curl, his eyes close tight while his back arched, white light bursting behind his eyelids. "I l-love yo-!" They were about to cry out together when cold, cold, ICE, water landed on his head, causing him to jerk and gasp awake, rolling off the bed, landing on his front, painfully mind you.


His blood red eyes opened slowly, a low, menacing growl escaping his lips while he turned his head, glaring with ice-cold precision at Scott Mcpupperson. The betas eyes widened as he realized his mistake, his lips parting before Scott was gone. Stiles stood up slowly, his joints and bones creaking. He padded to the bathroom, the door shutting behind him.

He was out the door with a bagel in his mouth, a cigarette in hand with a small fake wood box in his other, backpack on his back. He tossed everything in the passenger seat, grabbing a lighter to light the smoke after wolfing the bagel down. He started to drive towards the school, puffing on the toxic stick. After finishing his smoke, he grabbed a black pipe from the box and parked on the side of the road, lighting up to spark the green-silver leafy substance in the pipe, inhaing the sweet, sickly smoke. He felt the constant, overwhelming white noise in his head calm, his body loose and his mind hazy. It was hard to find weed mixed with wolfsbane to make it easier to get high without smoking half an ounce everytime. He blew small smoke rings, the jeep was hazy and clouded, the radio announcer making Stiles giggle to himself. He wasnt late, no where near, so he hung out for a bit, smoking another half a bowl before he opened a window, lit another smoke and shifted gears, pulling back onto the road.

He got to the school with time to spare, sprayed himself with some playboy and made his way into the school, only to run back and grab his bag from the jeep. He grabbed his ELA binder and walked to class, sitting in the back. He didn't have class with Scott cause he was in AP, so he just hung out by himself, playing on his cellphone when the door opened. He looked up and his heart stopped beating. He was fucked, for the rest of his life, because everything hates Stiles.

Derek Hale in a motherfucking red and black suit, glasses and a suitcase. Stubble and everything. And he was smirking right at Stiles. Aw fuck.


"Why the fuck didnt you tell me you are a fucking teacher?! Motherfucker!" Stiles was pissed, his wolf howling and pacing making him uneasy. Derek watched in amusement, his arms crossed.

"You done?" Stiles glowered before nodding, his own arms crossed. "I have a Masters in English Language Arts and History. Karen Jones called me, shut the fuck up it is weird for me too, she taught me also, to come sub for her while she's gone to France so I'll be here awhile. Now, go get a laptop cause you have double ELA today." The wolfish grin Derek gave him made his pulse skyrocket, Stiles ran from the room with his tail between his legs.

He was in the library, waiting from Mrs. McIntyre to come back so he could check his laptop out. The sound of heels on tile then carpet made his hackles rise, turning with a grace he never possessed, to stare down Ms. Blake, the computers teacher. "Ah Stiles, just the beta I wanted to see." Immediately, his eyes narrowed. First, Stiles is an alpha. Second, Ms. Blake is one creepy ass bitch. Third, what the fuck. "You have some assignments for me, I need them." Stiles blinked in confusion because even though Stiles had a life outside of school, doesnt mean he was a slacker. He always, always, handed in work.

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