We are the fire (We see how they run)

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He's never been one for sob stories. Never felt sorry for people who sobbed about their A minus or that their parents are fighting. Or even that one of their distant relatives died. The day his mother died, was the day his humanity died.

He was only thirteen at the time. She had been battling her own demons, he can remember her so distant. Quiet even, only spoke when spoken too. She never used to be like that. She was vibrant, illuminated every room she walked into, could outsmart any business man, fight with a passion no lawyer possessed, stand her ground better than any other human being. But so alike to himself, he never realized what was wrong until he got the call at the school that something bad had happened, something worse was about happen to himself.


He should've realized something was wrong today. He had a nightmare last night, endless running through a dark forest, the trees themselves were alive. Screeching and hollering at him, their limbs flailing and swatting at him like a fly. He heard the most gut wrenching, heart stopping howl, a broken distressed noise that broke him from his sleep, a scream echoing his ears until he realized it was his own. His father had run in, pushing him onto the bed to smother him with his own body. His voice pleaded and begged for him to snap out of it but the howling only got louder, his being trembled from the intensity. It felt like electric currents flooding his senses. He kept screaming, the wind sending the branches against his window. He felt his throat become raw but the pound of blood was white noise, everything unearthly silent. He felt a low rumble, like a growl, only deeper, silent almost. He seen red eyes before his own eyes before everything snapped under the strain, his breath slamming back into his lungs as he sagged against the bed. His father was crying for him, for my mother, for the whole world but he felt no remorse. No anguish. Only an overwhelming sense of panic.


When his father showed up, his eyes watery and red from obvious crying, Stiles felt an unexplainable anger rise up in his throat. When he got into the police cruiser, the anger intensified. He felt the impending doom of what was about to happen, the aura of the car was driving his mind into overdrive. The ride was silent until he stopped on the side of the road and said four words he never thought he'd hear.

"Your mother is dead."

He felt the pull of the forest surrounding the car before he even registered his dad screaming his name. The boy was bolting past trees, his legs finally working with his mind before he realized how far he was into the woods. Spinning in slow circles he gazed around him, the wind was urgent, a warning he was in no mind to question. Stiles was wandering for almost an hour, dodging all and any calls on his phone. Many from his father and Scott. He finally dropped to his knees in a clearing, the flowers bowed mournfully in the wind while his sobs and wails echoed with the rumbling thunder of an approaching storm. The wind picked up to the point his unkempt hair was whipping in his face. Stiles kept wailing and calling out for the mother he knew was gone. When the rain began to fall, it hid the approaching footsteps before he felt the galloping of his heart. Run.

He was up and running for his life, jumping bushes and roots, life depending on how far the boy could go. He was prey, being hunted by a predator with no intent to stop. It was like the nightmare, making Stiles's breath harder to keep under control from the overwhelming sense of fear. He was zigzagging and jumping as fast as he could but when a branch knocked him on his back, he was on his back, a set of teeth- no.. fangs sinking into his neck. He let out a scream as the pain tore throughout his body, the muscles tearing, hands flailing at the relentless onslaught of heat, scorching heat throughout his body, hand finally flying up to the bleeding bite mark on his throat. The being who bit him was gone, leaving the young boy to scream in agony in the raging storm, the water not even fazing him as the pain shot throughout his small build. He let out an inhuman growl when his eyes felt like they were burning, throat raw from the pitiful screams and cries.

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