{ My CHB Oc / Taemin Hun }

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Name: Taemin Hun

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Name: Taemin Hun

Age: Seventeen

Birthday: April 16

Gender: Male

Face claim: Choi San

Personality: You will never meet a more outgoing person than him, he will chat up a storm with anyone. He will make you feel not left out and will help make you comfortable. He is very easy to talk too, and that makes it easy for anyone to come to him for advice. From what he seems around him, he takes in and gives his own advice about what he would do. He has a huge heart, he really does care about everyone no matter who they are. He will not hesitate to help you, even if you day you don't, he will get you to see why you need help. He knows everyone heeds help, it doesn't hurt your pride to ask for help. He doesn't like hurting people, even if they are the bad guys. He always goes for the mame parts of the body, rhe ones that will disable you for the time being put heal and leave nothing behind but a scar. He is very flirty, and his smile is just heart stopping. He is very charming too and such a gentleman. He isn't the one to push boundaries, especially when it comes to friends or people he doesn't know. He will only fo what they are comfortable with and that is it. He will never date his friend's ex, and he tells others don't even go there. They may seem okay with it, but really, they are far from it. He is the one who gives advice but has never personally experienced it, though he does hope too. He is very emphatic and when someone is hurting, he takes their pain on to see how he would tell himself how to get through this.

Talents: Go with words, he is really great with his words. He knows what to say no matter what it is, because he gives special thought to everything that happens. | Singing and dancing, he is really good and it started out as a hobby as a kit and then it turned into a passion. Between two peoppe, dancing can show how much you love them, which is why he always says at least slow dance once during a date. |

Weapon: A bow and arrow with little hearts on the feather part. His arrow back is stuffed with arrows since once he uses them he loses them. He can't get them back, so, he always has a lot on hand.

Powers: He doesn't have a power per say, but he does like playing match maker and is your go to go for all things romantic. He is really good at telling personality traits of someone just by watching them and then being able to tell them who would be a perfect match and balance then out.

Fatal Flaw: Trust, he trusts people way to much and even if they break his trust he keeps on trusting them, giving them too many chances. It is foolish, but he is that type of person. He gives exons chances and trusts people even when they give you everything not to trust him.

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