{ My CHB Satyr Oc / Nathan Garden }

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Name: Nathan Garden

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Name: Nathan Garden

Age: 14 (28)

Birthday: April 15th

Gender: Male

Species: Satyr

Face Claim: Bradley Steven Perry ( from the waist down he has creamy white curly fur)

Personality: He is very cheerful and is always trying to help out. He is most the time happy-go-lucky, but sometimes when someone or some monster is trying to hurt another person he goes into karate mode. He normally comes off as laid back and soft spoken, but once you get to know him, as a satyr (only if your a demigod) then you see he is way different then they way he comes off as. He is very funny and is always trying to make the day brighter for others. He is dependable and loyal, you know whenever you have him by your side everything is gonna be okay. He is good under pressure and doesn't freak out, he often finds himself calming others down. He never understood why people freak out in bad situations. It is best to stay calm and collected then freaking out and scatter brained. He is typically laid back, he has had his moments where he has gotten a little bit of a hot head. It didn't end well, so he does his best to not let it happen again. It takes a whole lot to annoy him, he has a load of patience that everyone wishes they had.

Talents: Playing the pan flute since he can play a tune and help the flowers or plants grow in general. | Making friends, he is very friendly and somehow always ends up befriending demigods and causally leading them to CHB while explaining what they are. Although some haven't been success, one run in with a monster quickly wakes them up. |

Likes: Helping demigods - as a satyr it is his duty to seek out demigods and make sure they get to camp safely. | Licorice of all flavors a it is a sweet treat he often gets when he is outside CHB searching for demigods. | Adventure - It is something he seeks, he yearns for, and although he hasn't been able go on a quest since there hasn't been one for a while. | Showing tough love, which sometimes he has to do in order to show demigods who don't believe who they are and that it is real. |

Dislikes: Monsters - He has seen to many demigods get killed because of them. Most never live past 18, which really saddens him, which leads us to another dislike which is demigods dying. |Cyclops - as normal Satyrs do since they haven't had the best history. | Bullies - He has seen how bullies effect people. Although he has tough skin and words never hurt him, he knows that words can hurt. | Aphrodite girls - only because some try and flirt with him even if he isn't wanting a relationship or want to give him a makeover or even practice their beauty experiments on him. |

Fears: Heights - He has never been fond of heights. It is less the heights and more about falling and the possibly of not dying, getting seriously injured or paralyzed. | Not finding love - unlike most satyrs, he just wants a little bit of love in his life. He doesn't care what species, human, demigod, nymph, or another satyr. If they love him he will be a happy camper. |

Other: He knows karate, he even had a black belt in it, and you are probably wondering how he even got into karate. The karate master just happened to be one of very few demigods who got to grow old, have a family and live off camp. | When he is nervous he will munch on licorice which he had a secret stash hidden away for when ever he needs one.| When someone is sad sometimes he will bleat random songs to try and help. |

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