Chapter 1: an unexpected meeting

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Darkness surrounded her, her body feeling numb all over, barely able to move.  All she could feel was the strong throbbing headache as her memory was flooding back, the night that should've been like any other night. 

The familiar smell of smoke, alcohol around her, the loud sounds of guns, blazing around her. It was her performance night. The bar was filled and as it is a typical evening in hell, the people were getting rowdy and demanding entertainment. The young woman stepped into the light, wearing her pretty white rose hairpin and her beautiful long shinning red dress. The band behind her were nodding to her ready to play. She was put into the role of trying to maintain the peace in the bar. And she could only feel her beating loudly. "its just another day. Another performance. you done this before" she'd whisper over and over. And yet, nothing could soothe her restless pulse. Two gang leaders and their goons were in and to say that the atmosphere was a little tense would be an understatement. She gulped softly and sighed, walking up to the mic. She looked around to the bar, seeing many eyes on her. But she closed her own and began singing her old song,

"one more tomooooorrrooooow to kiss your lips constantly....."

the musicians followed with the song, keeping the tone soft and sweet. Everything was going alright but it didn't take too long before shouting could be heard across the room. A collection of "get lost" "you want to go?" etc etc. She thought her performance would end quickly since the shouting soon changed to a brawl. People were fighting each other over the smallest things like which seat to take or who's drink was which. She sighed thinking it was her cue to leave but a man who was the closest to the stage thought otherwise. The girl felt her ankle getting grabbed by a sweaty hand in the crowd, making her fall to the cold hard ground. A fat bald man with the snout of a pig began pulling the girl into the brawl. His eyes looked of that of a man she remembered long ago when she was alive, one that she feared.
"come here doll!" He said, licking at his lips.

She began kicking at the man, using the tip of her high heel to stab at the man's eye, screaming for help but it was no use. No one could head her desperate cries, the musicians all ran off stage and the guests were busy in the fight. As the brawl was getting more messy and items began being thrown, A bottle flew straight for her head, hitting her square on her temple. As her vision blurred, she began feeling pain but especially a dizzying effect. She could only dread what was to come and what she'd wake up to if she didn't get out of here. Her body became limp and the man began pulling her off the stage with ease. All she could do was look up to the stage lights atop of her in a daze.
She tried keeping her eyes open but it was too hard for her, almost as thought someone was pushing her eye lids close. it was over she thought. 

But then the motion of dragging stopped. She tried opening her eyes, watching the forms move around her. The man turned and began shivering as a static voice cracked next to her and said "I see you have no shame my dear man... but sadly, I'm taking her home." A tall lanky figure appeared and quickly used his claw like fingers to stab the man. The figure of the pig like man fell down and then her vision went blank.

But now...where was she? She tried beginning to regain control of her body and used her hands to feel around her. She could feel a slightly heavy and warm blanket over her and a comfy pillow under her head.  A bandage, wrapped carefully around her head. She softly began opening her eyes and looked to see she was in a rather dark yet comfy bedroom. She noticed that her dress was now laying on a chair not too far away and she was now dressed in a satin like pyjama. Books lined up the shelves in the room, some she recognized, others were in languages she couldn't translate. The fireplace was lit, being the only light available, leaving a soft and warm feeling to the young woman. It reminded her of winter when she was alive.

"I see you are awake." a voice cracked in the darkness.
"who...who's there?"

The fire's light couldn't reach the entire room and some corners were covered in thick darkness.

Soon a man appeared from the darkness and his red eyes looked upon her. He was dressed in a red suit, a dark yet charming smirk and holding a staff that glowed a soft red light.
"you were asleep for quite a while. did you sleep well?" He said walking closer to her
"I....y-yes...thank you..." 
He went down on one knee on the side of her bed, gently taking her hand,
"we call me...the radio demon...but please call me Alastor... a pleasure." He kissed her hand softly.

she felt her heart skip a beat but realized who he was... the radio demon...a man who took over hell over night.. She knew this man could be dangerous, and even with all his kind gestures, the woman could feel a strong sense of power and danger from him.

The man looked to her and gently smirked. He looked deep in her eyes.
"You seem rather shaky.. do not fear.. I am not here to hurt you young lady... rather i wanted to help you out of that sticky situation."
"you...saved me at the bar."
"indeed. quite surprised you remembered. That bottle hit your head rather hard."
"but do not worry young miss I'm only here to help. As soon as you are back on your feet, ill let you carry on and return home. In the meantime get all the rest you need."

At his words, she felt weight being lifted a bit from her shoulders. She didn't know if his words were true or pretty lies but for now, she didn't have much of a choice but to rest.

"I...thank you..."
he sat on the side of her bed, gently placing his hand next to her to hold himself up.
"Now tell me...such a songstress like yourself must have a pretty name to match."
"my (Y/N)..."
"Quite a pretty name."

she blushed looking away. A soft chuckle gently came from the demon's throat.
"I think you should rest a little more. It's still rather late. I'll make sure to keep you safe."
"wait I...I need to ask...why...why did you save me? in hell of all places...I could be a murderer or...or-" her voice slowly faded into nothing. She was shy and frightened and it showed. How could she act tough against a man like him? She looked away shyly.
His grin grew larger as he laughed a bit.
"well...i really liked your song...and I couldn't let someone with such a talent fall into the hands of some baboon."
she felt her heart beat just a little faster at his words.

"And besides, even if you were, say a murderer, I doubt fighting me would get you a good result." he smiled. The young woman nodded. "y-you have a point."

He leaned a bit closer to tuck her in, gently caressing at her head and cheek with his hand. She recognized those long claws from the bar. They killed that pig like man but now this hand was soft and gentle, like a lover's touch. 
"Now sleep tight darling."

"but I.....I..."

Before she could protest, her eyelids felt heavy and she slowly fell asleep once more, leaning into his hand.
"Now now dear (Y/N)... we'll talk more in the morning."

Once the maiden fell asleep completely, the man walked out of the room, carefully closing the door behind him, smirking from ear to ear.
"such a maiden...and she's all mine...Maybe she'll sing for me...we shall see...soon enough."

An angel's voice in hell (Alastor x Female signer reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat