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4. Even The Bad People?!

As you speak
A hundred billion failures disappear

Remember that time your mum told you to do something and you got angry about it and decided that you wouldn't talk to her ever? Yeah, me too. That horrible feeling in the bottom on your stomach when you made a promise to yourself to not forgive someone. Forgiveness releases more freedom than you think. People who hold grudges or pent up anger are some of the most miserable people you will ever meet. Whether it's that girl who picked on you when you were little or that man who abused you. When you cannot let go of those things (I know it's difficult) it will ruin your life and stop your mind from nourishing.

My mum has gone through a lot when she was little, her aunt abused her emotionally and physically and she got sexually abused by her cousin. My mum is a very strong God fearing woman and Church was the one thing that helped her, she endured all the horrors of the week but when she went to church she could free herself from it and give her pain and struggles to God. Thankfully, by the grace of God she has forgiven them and is even civil with her aunts.

When you break that chain that has held you back all those years and say, "I forgive you!" To whomever has hurt you in the past, in your heart you'll feel free.

God excepts us to forgive our enemies, friends and family as he forgives us. In the bible it says:

"In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can't get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God's part."
‭‭(Matthew‬ ‭6:14-15‬ ‭MSG‬‬)

Now, forgiveness isn't a one day thing, people may take years upon years just saying "I forgive you." To the same person and the same thing that they done. The traumas you face in your life doesn't have to define you, you are strong because you go through another day with a smile on your face and God's grace in your heart. And no one is saying you forget about it because some things you just can't forget, the things you go through now or went through, may help people you meet. You may be the person who saves a life because you've been what they've been through and they see that you made it out alive! God bless you!

Time and time the bible tells stories of people being betrayed, hurt, cast out, abused, often carried out against God's people. Yet we are still taught to forgive those who pain us.

When Jesus was crucified by the people who hated him so deeply do you know what he said? Instead of cursing at them or praying for God to strike them down, he prays that God forgives them all. Forgive you and me. How amazing!

If you cannot think about why you should forgive someone think about if it were you who said something horrible, or done the horrible act? People change. There are many rapist, murders, drug abusers and child abusers etc who have given their life to Jesus and repented. As a society should we not allow them to change for the better? Forgive their disgusting past and accept their new faithful one? Empathy is a big part in forgiving someone, when we can see ourselves making the same mistakes it's easier for us to forgive them, yes?

I have forgiven so many people over the years and even though some are harder to forget, I feel amazing when my friends go on about someone that they hate because of this and that and I can't relate because I have no anger towards them anymore.


Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and wishing the other person would die


Is there a person you haven't forgiven because of something they did? Can you try and forgive them now?

If you're new to faith and are interested in getting closer with God do you want to say this prayer with me? You don't have you be an amazing person to have a relationship with him, just come as you are and he'll accept you, but you must be willing to change out of your sinful ways.

Dear God, thank you for the life you have given me. Thank you for the people I have met and will meet in the future, God, please forgive any sins I have committed, whether I knew it was a sin or not. I want to let you come into my life and fill me with the goodness and kindness of you. Thank you Lord, amen.

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