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2. Where Are You God?

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

We've all been there. Something in your life has shifted drastically. You're moving house or you've got a bad illness or you've got money problems. You've also probably heard someone say this "God has a plan for you. Nothing is a mistake." The worst is coming, you can feel it, a fear pitted in your stomach, like you're a kid again about to present something in front of the class. And if you're not religious, you've got nothing to fall back on. You're all alone, or so you think. I'm going to tell you some stories of my experiences with faith.

If you've read my other stories you'll notice that I'm from the UK. I moved here when I was four. My mother moved here before us while my dad stayed in our country to look after my sister and I. My mum studied in University and lived in my cousin's house. And soon after we came to the UK to stay with our mum while our dad stayed in our home country. Life was alright, our cousins moved to another place so we had the whole house to ourselves, except, we couldn't afford it. So we often had roommates staying with us. Now, since we weren't citizens in the UK, we had to get visa every 3 years. It costs about £2000+ pounds each.

The 3 years continued until we reached the number of years living in the UK where we could officially become citizens and no longer have to pay for visa. But then, a new "law" of you like passed and it was no longer 6 or 7 years, it was now 10. I remember feeling so sad and down. Cut the long story short, we're still paying for visa even though I have spent 13 years here. All my family has prayed for us to be granted permanent stay. But that is yet to happen. Faith isn't something you give up when you don't get your way. I am certain that God wants me and my family here, and we will get the permanent stay. If not, then I trust his plan.

One time, my mother got denied her Visa and was asked to leave to go back to our home country. My sister and I were pretty young at that time and our father works in our country and normally visited us, so it would've meant that the whole family would be moving. We were all terrified. But we kept praying and praying, "God we know this is where you want us, we have friends and family here and it is all we know (apart from my mum)" and what do you know! My mother reapplied and she got it. God works in mysterious ways, maybe to test our faith. Giving thanks to God for the things he makes you go through is important. Jesus went through dying for our sins and I am very thankful about that.

My family and I have gone through almost being homeless to moving to a home where it was ugly and small. Both times we have been saved. God is amazing, and even if your life feels crap, God has got something far better waiting for you on the other side. The pain stings now, but allow that pain to heal and grow into a scab, and soon you'll be chipping it off like it didn't bother you in the first place. (I'm sorry that was gross but I made it up myself so that's why.)

Lastly, faith is very powerful thing, trusting something that you cannot see is hard, I understand, but as a Christian you would've gone through things that you might have not made if it were not for God and his grace. All those things Jesus' people went through and conquered all by trusting and having faith in God.

"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." (Hebrews‬ ‭11:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

Thank you God!


Is there something about your life that you're worried about? Or is there something you went through? How can you be thankful of it?

If you're new to faith and are interested in getting closer with God do you want to say this prayer with me? You don't have you be an amazing person to have a relationship with him, just come as you are and he'll accept you.

Dear God, thank you for the life you have given me. Thank you for the people I have met and will meet in the future, God, please forgive any sins I have committed, whether I knew it was a sin or not. I want to let you come into my life and fill me with the goodness and kindness of you. Thank you Lord, amen.

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