Chapter 31: The New Heir

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A/N: Omg second to last part you guys T-T or maybe third to last but omg so close to the end

Warning: violence/ torture

The girl stayed silent but kept still. Her head was pounding from the shock of the intense sound but she didn't want to give herself away.

(E/C) eyes stayed on Deathstroke as he put his gun down, chuckling.

"You think we didn't prepare for you? Surely you weren't so naive," He paced around her, examining her stature, "Tell me, child, do you have a plan? Or did you just come here naive as ever? Was your training their doing?"

(Y/N)'s lips were sewn shut, she knew he was trying to spite her. A new issue came into light, how was she going to get all of these idiots close enough to her? That was the only thing she needed to do and she could easily change and hide again to give herself the advantage.

He started getting closer, her eyes scanned his clothes, making sure he didn't have anything that could be used against her in her escape.

"Gah!" she cried, feeling a shooting pain in her shoulder before an intense numbness.

"You should pay attention," he mocked.

"(Y-Y/N)?" A weak voice spoke. The girl glanced at Red Hood who painfully sat straighter to get a good look at her, "It's you,"

"It's me, Red," the woman smiled reassuringly even if she was still upset at the four of them, now was not the time to speak about that.

Slade walked up to her laying figure on the floor, peeling her attention away from the man as his shadow hovered over her.

"We just have a few more files to download before we can bright you back with us," he teased.

"Wasteful child," Lex scoffed.

"What happened?" the man turned to the bald one as he walked out.

"Thanks to Miss' little prank here, the system shut down and we have to download everything again, it can't even go quicker since our leading man is the only one standing." Lex sighed, turning to the girl, "you're more of a nuisance than I anticipated."

"I try," she grunted, as Slade grasped her shirt and pulled her up straight. The numbness was really off putting as the man bent down to cuff her hands behind her back.

The woman didn't hesitate to wince however when he stood behind and pulled her hair back forcefully after taking a fistfull of it.

The bald man stared down at her, an unreadable expression on his face, before his eyes dipped to her chest. Her eyes widened subtly. Reaching down, his hand went to grasp her necklace, snatching it and breaking the collar in the process before taking a good look at it.

"Oooh, how interesting, seems like we could be rich from this!" His grip was tight around the medallion, "this is the door to your so called kingdom is it not?"

(Y/N) didn't answer, knowing that he could see through any of her firm retorts.

"Hmpf," Lex smirked in satisfaction, placing the necklace in his inside jacket pocket and walking back to the computer room, "I'll check on the download, keep an eye on her, we don't want her causing any more trouble, once word gets out that we have this place, any superhero in proximity is going to make their way over here,"

Slade offered him a disheartened grunt as a sign of understanding before he gripped the girl's jaw tightly and tilted her head to meet his eyes.

"Say, Lex?"

"What now?" the man in question groaned in frustration from the other room.

"You wouldn't mind if I...roughen her a little bit?" a small smirk appeared on Deathstroke's face as he perceived the girl visible gulp.

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