Chapter 27: The Plan

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She hugged his arm tightly, head on his shoulder as she glanced between his face and the scenery in front of the pair.

"I don't really deal with my moods, especially the negative ones because there is not much that helps and it's only a waste of energy." The ginger sighed.

"So you don't do anything about it?"

"Well, usually, I kind of isolate myself so I'm not more upset or upset other people and I try to get my mind occupied. Jason and I often get that and we know what helps, I guess it's like a mutual benefit," He chuckled.

"You guys are cute!" She giggled teasingly.

"W-what?" Roy's eyes went wide.

"Oooh, nothing!" A smirk appeared on her face.

"Anyway, feel free to ask for help from either one of us, we'd be happy to help!" He nudged her playfully.

"Thank you, Roy, really!" Her eyes softened as he stared back at her in surprise. They gave each other a smile before gazing back at the lake together.

"This is nice," She whispered after a few moments.

"Yeah, nice break from all the shit-"

"Guys?" A voice called out.

"Too late," She snorted as Roy grumbled under his breath.

"Yeah?" The girl turned around, towards the source of the voice. There, a shy Impulse stood, gazing at everything but the both of them.

"Err, Batman wanted me to call you guys for a meeting, bye!" He whizzed off.

"Not many people like me here huh," She chuckled, covering up the small pang in her chest.

"No, they're just takes some times to get used to young adult superheroes, especially since you're not officially part of the team and we keep you excluded." Roy reassured.

"I'm not a superhero?" She frowned, "I'm part of a pack, I'm a shapeshifter."

"Yeah but you do good with your powers," He shook his head. She sulked.

"I don't really, I help the occasional person that I see but I haven't done anything like you guys,"

"That's okay, when this is all over, we can do that if you want," His fingers ran through her hair.

"Really?" Her eyes lit up as she locked her gaze with his. He grinned widely.

"Yes of course! Now come, we have aN iMpOrTaNt mEeTiNg wItH bAtMaN." The ginger mocked, she laughed, standing up and nudging his shoulder.

"You're such a dork, come on!"


"Lex has created a radar that can detect a certain amount of unclassified energy in a specific radius, if he manages to pick up an energy signal, he'll find the location of the Mount and could leak a lot of information on all of us," Batman briefed. The girl gulped, glancing at her alpha who also had the same idea and gazed right back at her.

"We need to find a solution before he starts transporting this device over the city and finds our location."

"I know what we could do," The girl intervened.

"(Y/N), no!" Kai interrupted her firmly.

"Kai, this is the only way," The shapeshifter shook her head before redirecting her attention back to the group. "My necklace contains energy that acts as a portal between here and Arvaysia, if anyone can decrease the energy it contains then there wouldn't be an issue and-"

"That will make you weak (Y/N)" Kai shook his head in rejection, "the power that makes you shapeshift also comes from the necklace, reducing the energy will make it harder and more exhausting to change and defend yourself."

"The guys have been training me," She defended.

"And there's always going to be at least one of us around her," Red Hood informed, "she'll be safe with us!" The girl didn't need to see Jason's face behind his helmet to know his teeth were gritted.

"We do that then," Black Canary concluded, "also, things are going to go downhill very quickly, we'll need (Y/N) to move out as well, if they're after her, they'll follow her away from the Mount, it will be easier keeping everyone here safe and it'll help us bring them somewhere planned to trap them."

Batman nodded, "Kid Flash, I want you to take (Y/N) out of town, we'll do the planning and send you the coordinates,"

"We'll do swaps right?" Arsenal asked seriously. The caped crusader frowned suspiciously.

"What for?"

"No, that's a good idea Roy, in case some certain skills are needed," Black Canary smiled.

"Y-yeah, for the skills things, yup!" The ginger flushed slightly, earning a nudge from Red Hood.

"Wally, I want you to pack your bags and take her to this location," he displayed coordinates on the hologram, "they will be sent to you once we have mapped out the plan, understood?"


"Good, it seems you have some things to discuss in the pack," The billionaire turned to Kai, who nodded in agreement.

"Yes we do," The alpha eyed his pack.

"You may be excused."

"Thank you," The wolf gave a curt nod, walking out as the wolves and (Y/N) exited the meeting room. As soon as the door closed, Batman faced the superheroes.


"This is very risky," Keanu expressed worriedly, "we cannot trust the humans to our full potential." Kai was sitting among them, observing them as they discussed.

"Yes we can, they have been nothing but welcoming, especially to (Y/N)-"

"That's because she's a human like them, they'll try to pull her away from us."

"Keanu, that's not true!" The girl defended.

"(Y/N), you know when can't-"

"No, listen, you might not trust them but I do, they have made me feel at home, I've made friends, I'm happy with them as well. I'm going to help them because that's what they did for me, I trust them. Please!" She explained. Kai's jaw clenched as he sighed, lowering his head in thought. After a few of anxious moments, Kai looked back up to his sister, then at (Y/N).

"Fine, but if anything happens whatsoever, I will come back for you!" He warned.

"That's okay with me," She sighed in relief.

"Case closed then," He nodded, dismissing his pack, as he started pacing away, the human called his name. Stopping in his tracks, he redirected his attention back to her.

"Thank you, for everything."

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