Chapter 14

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My heart started racing as I saw the door. It's so close. My mind focuses on it. Nothing. Can tear me away.

The door closes.

And another in front...

And another.

I smile.

I'm on my own now.

A-4 isn't yelling.

B-4 isn't puzzling.

D-4 isn't swearing.

And C-4 isn't...looking up at me expectantly.

I step forward calmly and release the grenade.


We sprint far enough away to get out of the blast. And we survive.

We step out into the new world.

They don't chase us.

They've given up.

They think they have a chance anyway...

I swipe my fringe from my eyes and my hair blows in the wind.

Reality hits me like a fist.

Brian is dead. The one I relied on.

Alice is dead. My only true friend.

And I'm surrounding myself with people that killed them. They're celebrating in some sort of way guys do while I stand away from them gazing off into the distance.

"C'mon E-4! Come with us!" Cries C-4.

"Oh. Yeah, because I trust you now."


"Look. I only wanted you to get me out of there. End of story. Don't go expecting me to suddenly, shock horror, be your best friend."

"Aw don't be a spoil sport." Says D-4.


"So you're still not over that..." Sighs A-4.


"Well, yes." Says B-4 in a matter-of-fact voice.

I glare at him. "Shut up."


"SHUT UP!" I turn away.

I hear a slap sort of sound.

"What the hell C-4?!"

"She said shut up."

"Not you too..."

"Like I didn't care for my assistant as well."

"Oh yeah. You and the assistant girl."

"And you wonder why I don't kill anyone..."

"Yeah. Why?"

"Because it's stupid and ruthless and all I can picture is Grace in blood on the floor!"

It's silent and I turn slightly.

"Don't blame her. Leave E-4 alone. I understand."

I see something I've never seen in C-4. It's a fire in his eyes that keeps him going...a fire that I've seen in myself. A quiet willing for those who serve me to come back.

I wonder if I'm not that different from him.

A-4 B-4 and D-4 grumble and walk off but C-4 lags behind.


C-4 smiles slightly.

"Did you care for..Grace?"

"Yes. I was going to spend my life with her. You know...tie the knot."

"While your 13?"

"I'm 15. I just look young..."


"She was the one that I couldn't live without..."

I look at his eyes again. He looks in mine.

"I still don't know if I can".

I nod slowly.

"Do you know any cafés?"

"I know about as much as you do" he grins. "Let's wonder".

And we make our way towards nowhere.

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