The Masked Ninja, KAKASHI!!|chapter 3

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Naomi's POV
We're at one of the classroom in the academy. Everyone already got to meet their senseis, except one team. Yes!! You guessed it, it's none other than team 7.

"Uh!!! When is he gonna get here!?!?!?!?!?!" Naruto screamed/asked

"Naruto sit down!!" Sakura scolded

"But I wanna go on an adventure now!! The other teams already met their senseis. Even Iruka sensei left. And we've been waiting for three hours!!!"
Naruto said/screamed

"You saying it makes it even worse." Sasuke said

"Whatever" Naruto said

Then he got a chair and got the chalkboard eraser. And slid the door a little open. Then put the chalkboard eraser at the top.

"That's never gonna work, our senseis a jonin. Do you he'd fall for a petty prank?" Sasuke said/asked

"Yeah Sasuke is right. Our jonin is supposed to be in charge of our lives. How is he gonna fall for a petty prank." Sakura agreed

"What about you Naomi?? What do you think." Naruto said/asked

Then they all looked at me.

"I don't know, maybe he'll fall for it." I said
"Naomi your my best friend and all, but that has got to be the dumbest thing you said, in your entire life." Sakura said while sweatdropping

"Well, at least someone has a little faith in me!!" Naruto cheered

Oh yeah!! Did I forget to mention that, me and Sakura are friends?? Well it happened at lunch time. We set our differences, and she said sorry. And boom!! We're friends. She said that she won't care. If Sasuke likes me. And she'll "try" not to be a fangirl. But it'll have to take some time.
We were waiting for our sensei to arrive, and 15 minutes have passed. Until we heard the door open.
"H-He fell for it, he actually did!!"

"Hahahaha!!! He fell for it!!" Naruto laughed and cheered

"I'm sorry sensei I told him not to do it."
Sakura apologized

"Okay, my first impression of you guys is, I hate you." Kakashi sensei said
We all sweatdropped

"Okay everyone meet at the rooftop, now." He said

At the rooftop

Third Person's POV
The seating arrangement, was Naruto and Sasuke at the side. Sakura and Naomi in the middle of them, but one stair higher.

"Let's start of by introducing ourselves to each other." Kakashi said

"Sensei, how do we do that??" Sakura asked

"I thought she was supposed to be the second smartest kunoichi, in their class." Kakashi thought

"By saying your name, things you like, things you hate, your hobbies, and your dream for the future." He explained

"Okay!! Why don't you go first, so we can see how it works!!" Naruto shouted

"Okay, my name, Kakashi Hatake things I like, I have lots of them. Things I hate I don't feel like telling you, hobbies, I have lots of them. Dreams for the future, I haven't really thought of that." Kakashi said lazily

The four genin sweatdropped

"Well that was no use" Naruto whispered to Sakura

"Yeah all he told us was his name" Sakura whispered back
Naruto nodded his head in agreement

"The blonde first" Kakashi said

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like my sister, Ichiraku ramen, and the ramen in the cup. I hate the ramen in the cup, where you have to wait for three minutes, for it to get ready. My hobbies are comparing ramen, and my dream is to be the greatest hokage, so people will treat me like I'm somebody, somebody important!" Naruto said

"Okay, pinkie next."Kakashi said lazily

"My name is Sakura Haruno. My likes are my best friend Naomi, and Sasuke-kun but just a little bit. My hobbies are hanging out with my friends. And my dream is to be just like the legendary sannin lady Tsunade. And my dislikes are fighting." Sakura said

"Lady Naomi" Kakashi said

"My name is Naomi Uzumaki. My like are my brother, Sakura, my friends, and the hokage. My dislikes are people who hurt Naruto, my loved ones, and my friends. My hobbies are training, looking after Naruto, and hanging out with my friends. My dream for the future is for this world to have no more wars and finally have peace." Naomi said

"She's just like you Minato sensei." Kakashi thought while looking at the red-head kunoichi

"Also some good advice, never get on her bad side." Naruto said added

Then suddenly Naomi's hair started floating up. And began to form the nine tail's tails.

"Okay, emo duck next" Kakashi said rushingly

"I see what lord third said was true, she definitely has her mother's temper." Kakashi thought

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I don't like anything, except for someone." Looks at Naomi.

"Okay, he definitely likes Lady Naomi." Kakashi thought."

"Did he just look at me!? No!! I must be going crazy!!" Naomi thought

"I dislike a lot of things. My dream for the future, no my ambition, is to kill a certain someone." Sasuke said

"Just as I thought" Kakashi thought

"I hope he doesn't mean me" Naruto thought

"I wonder who it is??" Sakura thought

"Itachi Uchiha" Naomi thought

"Good, your each unique. Tomorrow we will start our first mission." Kakashi said

"What kind of mission!!" Naruto yelled

"It's a task we'll all do together." Kakashi replied

"Huh, we already did that stuff that's how we got here in the first place." Sakura said with a hint of anger in her voice

Then Kakashi started laughing

"What's so funny??" Sakura asked

"If I tell you, you won't like the answer." Kakashi replied

"Come on just tell us!!" Naruto shouted obviously annoyed

"Out of the 28 graduates, only 10 will be accepted as genin. The other 18 will be weeded out, and sent to the academy."

The four genin were shocked

"I told you, you wouldn't like the answer." Kakashi said teasingly

"What!! What was the graduation exam for!?!?!?!?" Naruto yelled/asked angrily

"Oh that. That was just to select candidates for those who will be genin or not." Kakashi stated

"Also the chances of you failing are sixty-six percent." Kakashi said seriously

"I will become pass the test no matter what!!" The four genin thought

"Meet me at training ground seven, tomorrow morning at five o'clock." Kakashi said

"Also don't eat breakfast or you'll puke." He said and with that he disappeared

Author: Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed reading chapter 3 of Naruto's sister.

I do not own Naruto.

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