The Chunin Exams(part 1)|chapter 6

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"When are we gonna have a real mission!?" Naruto asked Kakashi

"Oh would you look at that, I have to go" Kakashi said, for he Hokage bad summoned him

"Sakura-chan~ do you want to go on a date?" Naruto asked

"No way!" She shouted, "Naomi-chan, do you want to go hangout?"

"Sorry Sakura, but I already promised Sasuke I would go with him. Maybe next time?"

"Sure" a dejected Sakura answered

"What are you doing here? You're far away from home"

"Another one" a boy growled

'It's already time for that? Hmm, it's like the jinjuurichi of the one tail is next to us' Naomi thought

"Why don't you come down here, mr. tough guy!?"

"Kankuro, stop that. You're an embarrassment to our village"

"G-gaara," Kankuro stuttered "they started it!"

"No! You did!"

"Naruto" she placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder

'When did she get there!? And how long has she been here!?' the sand siblings' eyes widened

"Hey you! What's your name!?"

"Me?" Temari asked

"The one with the gourd"

"Gaara. I'm curious about you too"

"Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke"

"And the girl?"

"None of your business" Sasuke put and arm infront of Naomi

"Naomi Uzumaki"

"You're the heiress to the Uzumaki clan!" Temari shouted

"It was nice meeting you, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naomi"

"Likewise Gaara" Naomi replied


'It's always Sasuke' Naruto growled
"What about me!? Your dying to know my name, right!?"

"I could care less"


"What now?" Temari asked annoyed

"You can't be here! You're sand shinobi. You need a valid reason before you enter the village!"

"Have you guys been living under a rock or something? We're here for the chuunin exams" Temari explained

"Ooh! What's that!?"

"Boss, the chuunin exams is where ninjas from other villages gather to have tests and determine who is the strongest" Konohamaru explained

"I want to enter! It's on!"


"Chuunin exams here I come!" Naruto shouted. "Thanks Kakashi sensei!"

"Hey! Don't slobber on me!"

"Wait! Why doesn't Naomi have one!?" Sakura asked

"Um, about that" Kakashi scratched the back of his head

"Naomi doesn't need to take the exams. Since she's already a jonin" the Hokage explained

"Than why was she with us in the academy!?" Naruto asked

"I wanted her to have friends her age. You may have noticed that she was absent for some days. The reason was that she was on missions with her team"

"Can we at least meet her team?" Naruto asked, with Sakura and Sasuke agreeing

"Alright, I had a feeling you'd ask that. You'll meet them at the bridge"

"You guys go on ahead. I still have things to do" Kakashi told them

"Haruto! Izuki!" Naomi hugged the both of them

"Hey" they both greeted

"Haruto Uzumaki"

"Izuki Senji"

"Haruto-niisan!? Izuki-niisan!?" Naruto shouted

"You know them?" Sakura asked

"Yeah! Their part of our clan!"

"Obviously" Sasuke deadpanned

"Of course he knows us. Mi-chan introduced him to us before" Izuki explained

"And how could I not know the brother of my future wife" Haruto held Naomi's waist and her chin. This, making a certain Uchiha very jealous

"I thought you promised me that you wouldn't kiss infront of them" Naomi said

"I'm sorry. I just can't resist" he purred

"Of course. I can't blame you. I can never resist you" she flirted back

"Okay, enough with the acting you two" Izuki chuckled. With that, Naomi, Haruto, Naruto, and Izuki burst out laughing

"You should've seen your faces!" Haruto laughed

"Naomi" Sasuke said

"Sorry" she pouted

"It's fine" he hugged her, since he can never say no to her, especially her pouty face. "Just don't do that again"

"Okay" Naomi giggled, kissing his cheek. "But, Haruto is my cousin"

"Good luck on the chuunin exams" Naomi told her genim team

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