The Chuunin Exams (part 2) | chapter 6

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"I wonder how they're doing" Naomi sighed

"Well, they're taking Ibiki-san's test right now" Izuki said

Haruto shivered as he remembered a memory, "I remember the time when I took my Chuunin Exams. It was nerve wracking"

"We took the exams together numbskull" Izuki smacked him

"I remember that. You were panicking as we took the test. I thought you were going to cry" Naomi and Izuki continued to tease Haruto

"Where are we going again?" Haruto turned to his two teammates

Naomi sighed, "honestly, did you forget? The reason the hokage revealed my ranking was so that my teammates won't question why I didn't take the exmas because he sent us on a mission"

"This mission will take long. We'll be lucky if we even make it to the third exam" Izuki reminded

"Oh right. Too bad we can't watch Naruto compete. I have a feeling it'll be worth watching"

"Of course it'll be worth watching. He's my brother after all" the only girl in the team said

"Let's go. If we speed up, we might finish this mission on time for the third exam" Izuki informed and the three sped up.

The three had finished their mission with some problems here and there. They had to fight rogue ninjas and bandits who ambushed them. They escaped with little to not injury and are now on their way back to konoha.

"What happened here!?" Izuki exclaimed, seeing Konoha with ninjas fighting everywhere

"Let's go to the arena where they're holding the exams!" Haruto told his team

"Kakashi!" Naomi ran to her sensei

"Anbu?" Guy questioned

"Naomi?" Kakashi had recognized her hair

"Where's Naruto?" She asked hurriedly

"He went after Sasuke who had gone after Gaara" he informed her, deflecting an attack from a ninja

"Naomi" Haruto placed a hand on her shoulder, "Naruto can handle himself. We have to do our job and protect the hokage"

Izuki returned from the rendezvous with his fellow anbu, "there are anbu there. They said that there's a barrier surrounding the hokage and orochimaru. The hokage is in trouble. Orochimaru used the reanimation jutsu and reanimated the first and second hokage"

"I know he's your brother and you're worried for him, but we swore to protect the hokage. Let's go!" The Uzumaki looked at his fellow Uzumaki

"Fine" the three left and immediately went to the hokage's side

"We need four uzumaki's to break the this barrier. Haruto and I are already here. We need two more" Naomi informed the anbu

The anbu immediately left to find two Uzumakis to break the seal

"Haruto! Let's prepare the justu"

"Hokage-sama!" Izuki worriedly called out as he saw him get struck by the first hokage

"Let's hurry up" she looked at the other Uzumaki

As the fight progressed and the two had finally finished their jutsu and sealing techniques, the anbu finally returned with the two Uzumakis.

"Please help us with the breaking the barrier" Naomi looked at the two Uzumakis

"Of course"

The four Uzumakis took their place and started the jutsu, but they were too late. The hokage had been impaled by Orochimaru's sword. They finally took the barrier down. The remaining anbu went after the sound four and Orochimaru who and retreated.


"Grandpa!" Naomi immediately started healing him, but it was no use.

"Naomi, you're only wasting your chakra. I used the reaper death seal, there's nothing you can do. I used that justu when my chakra was depleted" he said weakly

"It's okay grandpa, I can heal you just stop talking"

It was no use, the hokage had stopped breathing.

Haruto placed a hand on her shoulder, "Naomi, it's no use, he's dead"

"No he's not" she shrugged of his hand and continued healing him

Itsuki reached out and stopped the girl from wasting her chakra. The jonin arrived and gathered around the body of their dead hokage.

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