• Secret Love Notes •

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The sound of Für Elise filled the nearly empty Room of Requirement. Draco hadn't played the piano in ages, but he sure wasn't rusty as he fell immediately and almost gracefully back into the song he had practiced time and time again.

When Draco was a child, his parents had very little to do with him. His father, Lucius Malfoy, was busy doing only Merlin knows what to ruin their lives whilst his mother, Narcissa Malfoy, at least tried to be there for Draco. Draco loved his mother very much even though his time with her would be cut short for whatever reason. Sometimes she'd have to help host lunch for other rich wizarding families coming over, other times she just got caught up in trying to convince Lucius what was right to do in a certain situation. In those times, Draco would never forget the moment his mother instructed him he was to learn the piano...

"But mummy, I don't want to!" Six year old Draco stomped his foot as hard as he could against the ground and crossed his arms. He would NOT learn such a boring thing to do.

Narcissa smiled softly as she took Draco into her lap. "Now Draco, what have I always told you?" She paused for a moment, her smile only growing as Draco grumbled angrily. "Well, let me remind you." She shifted more comfortably in her chair as Draco slowly relaxed into her loving embrace. "I've always told you to never judge before experience. You may not understand that very well now, but you will one day." Her voice turned a bit more stern as she rocked the chair gently. "You will learn to play the piano. No arguments and no hissy fits, understand?"

Silence filled their living area for a few moments. Narcissa was afraid she may have to be clearer to get Draco to understand, but she luckily didn't have to. Her question was answered by a small voice saying,  "yes, mummy." She leaned down and kissed the top of Draco's head as they sat there enjoying one of the few times they got to spend together.

As Draco finished out the song he smiled as he thought back on the memory. He really would have to thank his mother for forcing him to take piano lessons. Who would've thought it would really help him relax and clear his head when the biggest war in all of wizarding history was about to happen?

He let his fingers graze slowly and softly across the keys as he let out a long sigh. He truly had missed being a child learning all of the classical wizarding and some muggle songs. He was proud of himself for remembering how to play and for falling back into where he belonged. His piano was his safe space and now after years of longing, he thirsted for it more than anything.

Draco played one more song before deciding he had better head back to the dormitories. He didn't want to get into more trouble considering he would be in a heap of trouble with what was coming, doing the Dark Lord's bidding and all that.

He sighed and closed the top down on the piano carefully as he stood from the stool. 'Tomorrow.... I promise.' He thought to himself as he turned to leave. He knew he'd definitely be coming back more often to play, he really needed the time to himself.

As the door to the Room of Requirement closed, Harry let out a huge breath of air. He stared incredulously at the door from his hiding spot with one thought going through his head. What the hell had he just witnessed?

The next day, Draco did the same as the day before. He left the Great Hall early during supper trying to be as discreet as possible so he would go unnoticed. He didn't have to try so hard, everyone was caught up in their own little worlds except for a certain dark haired Gryffindor.

Harry had been watching Draco very carefully for some time now. He knew that Draco was up to something, and his obsession with stalking the boy only grew over time, which lead Harry to making the decision that he would just have to follow Draco to make sure he wasn't doing anything evil. That's how he ended up hiding under his invisibility cloak in the Room of Requirement yesterday.

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