• Draco Fell •

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I didn't think I'd ever be someone to feel love. I never thought I'd find a person that I'd do anything for. If you would've told me that I'd be head over heels for anyone one day, I would've told you you're crazy. Hell, I still probably would. Now, if you told me that said anyone would be Harry fucking Potter, I would've laughed. But here I am, fallen for a bloody Gryffindork.

It all happened so quick and unexpectedly. One moment, we're nothing but enemies, the next we're snogging against a tree in the Forbidden Forest. It's like a switch finally flipped for the both of us. We knew what we wanted, we knew the risks, yet we were pulled together like magnets.

Maybe it was the way that Harry glared at me or the way he threw insults like it was no big deal. I found it arousing that we were still Malfoy and Potter in the public eye. However, alone, we were Draco and Harry. We were just young boys trying to survive a war together. Maybe it was the first time he pulled me into his lap or the way he smiled at me that I finally realized how fucked we really were.

We kept our relationship a secret from everyone for years, we didn't need to add anymore problems then to those already there. We fought, a lot, but we knew we didn't mean a word that was said. As the war grew out, we got to see less and less of each other and that was one of our biggest hardships.

No, this isn't one of those "forbidden" love stories. It's not like we wanted to sneak around or keep secrets from our friends. We wanted each other, we were doing what we thought would be best for us. We have many, MANY, happy memories together.

I remember the first time we kissed. No, it wasn't our heated snog session that I mentioned before, this was our first genuine kiss. We were on a picnic in the middle of the Forbidden Forest, where no one would be able to find us. Harry had his head rested against my shoulder as we sat there and enjoyed the silence. Next thing I know, he abruptly sits up off of my shoulder and straddles my lap. "I'm going to kiss you." I can still hear the determination in his voice as I'm writing this. That's what he did, he leaned closer and kissed me slowly and gently. I couldn't help but to giggle into his mouth, and I still couldn't help but giggle as he pulled away.

If you were to say that our love is forbidden, I would tell you that no love is forbidden. Yes, we did keep it hidden, but that doesn't mean it was forbidden. Although, it started to feel like it was when I was forced into being a Death Eater. I kept that from Harry for so long. He did find out about it in the end, and that's how we ended up taking a break from each other for a while.

I didn't see him again until he was captured and brought to Malfoy Manor. I could feel my heart practically leap out of my chest when I saw him. When I was asked to identify him, I refused to. I needed him, my Harry, and that's one thing I didn't plan on losing during that stupid bloody war. So I let him escape as safely as possible.

The next time I saw him, he was dead in Hagrid's arms. I remember the hot tears in the brim of my eyes and my throat tighten at the sight. I knew I would break at any moment, I knew I'd get myself killed in the end. That was until my mother beckoned me over, I reluctantly complied to her drawl, still barely holding it together. It was only a moment before Harry stirred and my breathing faltered. Relief and worry washed over me in a tidal wave, I didn't get to say anything to him as I was being dragged away by my parents.

My trial was the next time Harry spoke to me in any fashion at all. I knew I would probably be thrown in Azkaban, I was readying myself for it. My trial was almost over when I heard him. "Draco Malfoy is innocent and you're not going to lay a hand on him in any way." I didn't get sent to Azkaban because of him. After that moment, we started spending time together again, and eventually, we became an official couple.

We've had our ups and our downs, our laughs and our cries. We also had a wedding, just for us and a few of our close friends. After that, we moved across the muggle world to California so we could have a fresh start. We had a nice house and raised Teddy Lupin as our own child. I got to be a dad, I got to have a family, and I got to have a wonderful husband. I loved every second of it.

Those were the good times for everyone. Teddy is all grown up now, moved away, engaged to a lover of his own. Harry, the only man I'll ever love, he's left me now. The funeral was just a few days ago. And I, Draco Malfoy-Potter, am feeling exceptionally lonely.

They say lovers would do anything for each other. I know that to be true. It's like when you've found who you're meant to be with, you're not scared. You're not scared of what other people think. You're not scared of what you could lose. You're not scared of dying if it's to save them. I couldn't save Harry though, no matter how hard I tried.

Finding who you're meant to be with is like finding the half of you that was missing, and for me, it was a bloody Gryffindork. They end up being the better half of you. And it completes you in a way you didn't think possible. God, it completes you, because you know that as long as you have them, you don't need to be afraid. And once they're gone, once they've left you, they're still right there, willing you to go on with the rest of your life.

I never thought I'd be heartbroken because I never thought I'd fall in love with anyone, let alone Harry fucking Potter. Yet here I am, living out my last day, making sure the world will know our story, making sure they know how strong our love was, and how it will never end. Love is forever lasting, it only takes a different form.

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