Chapter 14

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The two of you trekked through the woods, following Henry's track with Dog right beside you. You both had your bows in your hands and were on high alert not, trusting any walkers you came across in case it was one of the whisperers.

By the time Henry's walking tracks merged with others it was daylight as Daryl knelt down and touched the muddy footprints in the ground.

"Couldn't have been too long ago." He informed and you nodded before Dog suddenly barked and you looked over to find him now standing in the small dry creek bed nudging a long black stick and your heart sunk. That was Henry's. He wouldn't leave his stick unless something happened.

Daryl jumped down into the dry creek bed and picked up the stick before the sound of walkers filled the air and you quickly looked up to find two of them stumbling towards you from further down the creek bed, but you could instantly tell that they weren't the whisperers since one of them was literally missing an arm.

You drew your bow back, aiming your sights at the one on the left as you released the string just as Daryl pulled the trigger on his crossbow and both the walkers dropped to the ground dead.

"Dog." Daryl called out as Dog ran over to the walkers and pulled the bolt and arrow out their heads as he walked back to Daryl who took your arrow from his mouth first, but when he tried to grab his bolt, Dog began to pull back like it was a game causing the arrow to snap.

You couldn't stop the small chuckle that left your mouth as you watched Daryl huff and take the broken bolt as he glanced over at you and you raised your eyebrows at him causing him to shake his head.

"Bad Dog." He muttered, climbing back out the creek bed as he handed you the arrow before the two of you continued to follow the tracks.

You ended up back at the field you guys were walking through a few days ago with Paul and Aaron when you were trying to find Eugene. You spotted a small herd of walkers milling around by the tree line of the woods as the two of you crouched down behind a bunch of bushes and just watched, trying to figure out if they were walkers or whisperers.

You sat there for a few minutes before you spotted two walkers walk out from the woods, dragging a blanket behind them that had what looked to be two bodies lying on top. Although, from the distance it was hard to tell, but they definitely weren't walkers dragging the blanket that was for sure.

"There's only two of 'em in that herd. We wait for nightfall, take 'em out and lour the herd into their camp, it has to be where the other two came from." Daryl instructed and you nodded liking his plan, so the two of you just sat back and waited while you kept an eye on the two whisperers amongst the herd.


To you surprise the plan actually worked and you managed to find Henry amongst all the chaos of the walkers, but he refused to leave Lydia and you didn't want to leave her either. You had told Daryl that Rick and Paul would have given Lydia back, but you knew your brother wouldn't have wanted to give Lydia back to her abusive mother. Paul was the one who got you away from an abusive home when you were teenagers, if it wasn't for him you weren't sure you'd be here today. He always helped and looked out for you and always looked after the people in his community, he wouldn't have liked giving Lydia back.

Daryl didn't argue when Henry refused to leave Lydia and you knew deep down that he was glad you were able to take Lydia away from her abusive mother, although you weren't stupid. You knew they'd come after you because of it, but it was wroth it. Let them come. They killed your brother and you weren't going to let them live for that.


The group of you ran for a while, until you hit a road and began to follow it and slow down to a walking pace. By the time you reached a small town the sun had risen again as the four of you walked down the abandon streets. Daryl kept sending you worried glances after all the running you had done had caused your knee was starting to ache and you were limping a little, but it wasn't nothing serious. You were used to it by now. Fucking Saviour who had to shoot your knee all those years ago, he couldn't have just shot you in the arm or something?

THIS MEANS WAR ( Daryl Dixon x Jesus' twin sister!Reader )Where stories live. Discover now