Chapter 10

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The next morning you woke up and began getting ready to head out. Paul somehow convinced Tara to swap places so he could join you guys out there and she reluctantly agreed to stay behind and keep the community running.

Daryl, Henry, Carol and Dog arrived shortly after and you were right, Henry had grown up so much. But, he still recognised you and gave you a hug when you greeted him and your heart swelled when he still called you Aunt Y/N.

You ended up leaving your quadbike by Paul's trailer and rode on the back of Daryl's motorcycle while Paul and Aaron rode on horse back behind you, with Dog running by your side.

It took a few hours, but you finally reached the spot where you had found Rosita yesterday and Daryl managed to follow her tracks out into an open grass field, but were stopped when you spotted a herd of walkers exactly where her tracks where.

By the look of it there was roughly 130 walkers just milling around and there was no way you'd get through them. Rosita's tracks went straight through the middle and looked to be leading back into the woods.

You ended up doubling back and going around the herd, it was the safest option. Daryl left his motorcycle back by the rode and you took the horses a bit further, but ended up leaving them and going the rest of the way on foot.

You glanced over your shoulder towards Paul and Aaron who were walking a few metres behind you and Daryl, talking quietly between them. You could hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

"I think you'd be a damn good leader if you'd just stop fighting it." Aaron stated and you smiled to yourself, glad that somebody else was saying this to your brother, but you didn't get a chance to hear his response when Daryl suddenly stopped walking, grabbing your shoulder to stop you as well.

You were about to ask why he stopped when suddenly you could hear it. The herd. The herd had followed you? How?

"The herd, it's comin' for us. The wind is carryin' the sound." Daryl informed, turning around towards Paul and Aaron who had stopped their conversation, clearly sensing something was wrong when you and Daryl stopped walking.

"Well let's put some distance between us and them." You said, unzipping Daryl's backpack as you pulled out the small wound up alarm clock and handed it to him, watching as he turned the dial before throwing it as far as he could.

"C'mon." Daryl muttered, nodding in the opposite direction as the four of you began jogging back into the woods followed by Dog.

By the time you reached the barn it was dark outside. Paul, Daryl and Aaron all had torches, but you didn't since you wouldn't be able to shoot your bow if you were holding a torch, but between the three torches and the full moon, you could see fairly well.

"Go on boy, go find him." Daryl instructed as Dog raced up the steps and into the barn as the four of you quickly followed.

You and Daryl walked in first, his torch lighting up the old wooden barn as you scanned the room, your fingers holding the string of your bow ready to use, but the place was empty.

Dog seemed to be interested in something under a pile of hay as Daryl called him back.

Paul kicked the pile of hay, his boot connecting with something hard and you knew it must have been some kind of basement or trap hole below.

"Eugene? Are you in there?" Aaron whispered.

"Affirmative." Came a voice that you had not heard in a long time and you sighed with relief as the three guys quickly began pushing the hay away while you walked around the barn to make sure there weren't any threats.

THIS MEANS WAR ( Daryl Dixon x Jesus' twin sister!Reader )Where stories live. Discover now