2. caged

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she was just another girl

who wanted to fly

but when she turned nine

she was caged inside

a room

so small

so empty

so lonely

so grey

so sad

so out of it all

the honeybees and butterflies

drawn on her arms

were sooner replaced

with bandages and


and she was just nine

she knew nothing at all

she never saw it coming

but her mother did all along

she barely slept a wink

watching her baby girl lose colour

knowing the smile that lit up her world

was slowly getting dimmer

but the girl still joked around

like nothing could ever go wrong

she would still think about dancing

though she never spoke it out loud

and sometimes she would lean against the window sill

her eyes would dart around the walkway

she’d look out for baby snails

and wonder if anyone would put them back

right in the green where it

b e l o n g e d

or if they’d get crushed by massive yellow boots

like how her visions had been trampled on

by a wound that would never heal

a silent killer she had no clue of 

she was just another girl 

oh how she wished she could fly

but her wings were clipped so tight

oh she was

c  a  g  e  d


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