Chapter Three

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When Niall woke up the morning after his night at the club with Harry, Gemma and their friends, it was to a strange house, with him lying on hardwood floor and with a curly headed boy lying on top of him. They were still in their clothes from the night before and the button of his jeans was digging into him. This hangover was compounded by the fact that it was his second day in a row dealing with the after effects. He rolled Harry off him and smiled fondly as he curled up in the blanket and let out a soft snore. Harry really was a teddy bear.

After spending the night at the club together, Niall had learned enough about Harry to say without reservation that not only was he perfect for Louis, but that he could easily slot into their tight knit little group. Harry’s friends were nice – he had met Nick briefly, before Nick left them to go home with a tall blonde guy that looked awfully familiar to Niall, but he couldn’t place him. Then there was Gemma. What a little dynamo she was! She kept up with Niall drink for drink and was incredible fun. She was smart and funny and he had to admit to a little crush where Gem was concerned.

As the girl herself materialised a moment later clad in an old t-shirt of Harry’s and a pair of boxers, he changed his status to besotted. She gave him a soft smile and offered him some tea. They made their way into the kitchen and Gemma thanked him for letting her have the bedroom.

“You’re a gentleman even when you’re blind drunk – I like that about you - that you’re the same drunk or sober” she mused. “ Some people change when they drink, but you’re just lovely either way.” As she realised what she’d said, she blushed furiously and turned away to make the tea.

“Well, I don’t really remember, but I’m glad. It does explain why I woke up on the living room floor covered in a pink blanket and Harry!” he chuckled and Gemma gave a small giggle. God she was stunning, even with her hair all messed up and makeup all over her face from last night.

“So” she said as she passed him a cup of tea “what’s the plan of attack.”

“Well, I have an exam tomorrow, so I really need to study today. Louis normally sleeps late after a shift at the restaurant, so I’ll go home and get my study done and head over to his place tonight.”

Gemma raised an eyebrow. “Niall you know he’s going to want to see him the minute he wakes up. Now he knows there’s a chance it’s not all one-sided, he’ll go crazy waiting all day!”

“Well” Niall began, pulling out his phone. “I don’t want to just spring it on him. I need to wait till wakes and then talk to him before Harry goes barging over there! There’s been enough misunder…...” he stopped mid sentence, staring at his phone with wide eyes.

“What is it?” asked Gemma.

“Ah, um, so Louis may not be totally in the dark” Niall lifted his head and looked sheepishly at Gemma. “I believe I sent him a few drunk texts at two thirty this morning.”

“Huh? What did you write?” asked Gemma.

Niall handed over the phone and Gemma scrolled through the texts Niall had sent.

2.28am Louiiiiiiiiiiiis! Where r u?

2.29am Lou u need to be heer! Harry shere, itsOK hesgood Gemma too she beiustful, shes lovely Louis. <3

2.30am (This one had a photo attached - a selfie of he, Harry and Gemma, looking completely smashed) Cum here and get urboy!!!!! You r an idiot giant twaaaaaaat. Hahahaahaha

2.31am You will be married and havelittle Hrry babies and I will be the best uncle Louis I’m serious I swear to god

2.34am Call me now lou I swear if u don’t call me I will punch u inthefaceu don’t understand Harry says hiiiiiii!!!!!!!!

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