Chapter One

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Zayn took one look around Louis’ flat after he’d let himself in and pulled out his phone to dial Liam.

Without waiting for Liam to speak, he started talking.

“It’s worse than we thought, you’d better get over here.”

He heard Liam sigh down the phone before he replied “Right then.  Niall’s with me, we’ll be there in about ten minutes”.

“Yeah, bring Niall, something tells me we’ll need the whole cavalry on this one.”

As he put his phone away, Zayn was aware of a distinctly unpleasant odour in the air and screwed his nose up before proceeding through the lounge room, littered with old take away cartons, pizza boxes and at least a dozen empty beer bottles.  His focus was the bedroom door situated at the far end of the hallway, which was slightly ajar, showing a faint light and soft noise.

Just before he reached the door, he yelled out a warning.

“Lou, it’s Zayn.  I’m coming in – warn me if you’re naked.”  After a few seconds of no response, he slowly pushed the door open.

Louis was curled up on the bed, in a zombie-like state, watching the TV intently and seemingly oblivious to Zayn’s presence.  Just as Zayn started to speak again, he held his hand up to signal for him to shush.  When he heard what he was waiting for on the telly, as he let out a gasp and screamed “fuckin’ Ronaldo, I knew it was him that did it – fuckin’ slimy bastard!”

Zayne took one at the screen and glared back at Louis. “Are you seriously watching Days of our Lives right now Lou? You have got to be fucking kidding me!”

“Hey, don’t knock it until you try it Zayn – there is some truly quality television to be had in the day time.”

Zayn reached over for the remote and switched off the TV, causing Louis to let out a yelp of protest.

“Are you still in your PJ’s at four in the afternoon?” he asked.  “OK Lou, I gave you a week to be sad and wallow in your fucking misery, but this is going to stop right now!  Greg wasn’t even worth one day of mourning, he was a giant douchebag and you know it!  You weren’t even in love with him! Don’t…” he interrupted Louis’ indignant protest “don’t even pretend he was the love of your life!  This is about your ego taking a hit and you being a self indulgent little prat!”

“Zaaaayn” Louis groaned “it’s not just that!  I know Greg was a shithead and I am hardly surprised that he cheated on me with dickhead Henrico whatsisface.  It’s just…….well…..this is the third time in a year that someone has left me.”  He looked up at Zayn through pathetic glassy eyes, tears building. “Am I really that unlovable?” he asked quietly.

Zayn sighed and climbed onto the bed to wrap himself around Louis and squeeze him in a tight hug.  “Of course not Lou, we love you so much and you are an incredible person.  You have just have a problem with always being attracted to arseholes.”

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